The St. John Bosco class of
2024 flip their tassels after receiving their diplomas. From left are
Levi Wassmuth, Dustin Kaschmitter, Maleah Cummings, Noah Beckman,
Stallone Hoene, Elijah Rauzi and Trent Walker.
More photos from graduation on the St. John Bosco page below left. Click on the photo for a larger view.
The VFW and American Legion
held Memorial Day services at the Ferdinand and Keuterville Cemeteries
this year. In the upper photo they are lined up at the Ferdinand
Cemetery. In the lower photo they are at the Keuterville Cemetery.
See article above left for more photos. Click on each photo for a larger view.
The Preschoolers started the
Prairie Elementary Spring Concert by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
More photos from the concert are in the article above left. Click on the photo for a larger view.
The Prairie Jr./Sr. High
School band performing at their Spring Concert on Tuesday, May 21. See
article above left for more photos. Click on the photo for a larger view.
Rick Forsmann received Prairie Booster Club’s Booster of the Year award from Booster Club president Glenn Poxleitner. Click on the
photo for a larger view.
Ethan Von Bargen received
Prairie Booster Club's Student Booster of the Year award from Booster
Club president Glenn Poxleitner. Click on the photo for a larger view. |
Dave Frei of Cottonwood, VFW
National Chaplain, and Bobby Tettleton, New Plymouth VFW All-American
Past State Commander, laid a wreath Monday at the Idaho State Veterans
Cemetery in Boise. Photo by Shalamar Tettleton. Click on the photo for a larger view.
Events at a Glance
(if you have an event you want on the events calendar,
contact the Cottonwood Chronicle at cotchron@qwestoffice.net)
503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131 |