Notes from City Hall
The first day of school—a sure sign that the summer is over.  Let’s see if we can make the quick transition to watching for kids in the crosswalk, SLOWING DOWN and yielding to school busses and keep tragedy from knocking at our door.  
With the fall comes the mad scramble for the Public Works Department to finish up a few projects before the cold weather hits.  We still have some water and sewer line work, asphalt patching, seal coating and dirt moving that needs to be completed.  Unfortunately, both of our two Daves are out with medical issues.  In the interim, please welcome Wyatt Stark and James Nida, our new temp workers that have come on board to help Roy get these projects completed.  Please be patient with them as they complete this work and block traffic some of the time.
You may have noticed the holes in Lewiston and King streets.  No, the asphalt worms have not invaded.  We are in the process of raising the water valve heads and manholes that were covered up during the State paving project last year.  We will raise them up flush with the road surface and the State will patch the asphalt back.  Please try to avoid these holes and save your alignment.
It is that time of the year again to consider nominees for the State “Brightest Star” awards.  You may nominate individuals, small business, organizations or corporations.  If you have someone or firm or organization that you feel is deserving of recognition for their efforts, stop by City Hall and pick up a form.  Cottonwood is the only community from Moscow to Nampa that has had winners in the past.  Let’s keep up the tradition!
Denis B. Duman, Mayor

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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