From the Police Chief
First and foremost I would like to say what a wonderful community, and region, this is to live in.  I would like to thank everyone and anyone who was involved with the wonderful welcome home 'activities' that I and my family received on Christmas Eve.  What a great day to be able to reunite with ones family after a long absence, Christmas Eve...kinda answers prayers in a big way!
I would also like to commend everyone in the region on their outstanding support of our troops while they perform their missions.  As I had told the family members of my unit several times, the troops belong to the families and communities, you simply allow the military to borrow them for awhile.  The support is truly amazing and folks all across the United States and in several other countries are learning what it means to be from Idaho, and Idaho County.  Keep it up, trust me, it makes a HUGE difference.
Now, as many of you have noticed, I have returned to the City of Cottonwood's employment as your Chief of Police.  I would like to thank the Idaho County Sheriffs office for their outstanding support over the past year in helping the City and Officer Joe Newman with his tasks and duties in my absence.  It takes everyone to accomplish what we need, the County Sheriff, the Idaho State Police, the Idaho Fish and Game, Juvenile Probation and Parole, Idaho State Probation and Parole, and the Cottonwood Police Department.  All of these agencies have helped out tremendously in the past, and I would like everyone to be aware of their contributions.  
The greatest contribution to a good community, however, comes from it's citizens.  I need each of you to be involved with your own areas, blocks, streets and community.  If you see something wrong, please feel free to let me know.  You can contact City Hall at 962-3231 during business hours or the Idaho County Sheriffs Office (who handles all my dispach) at 983-1100 after hours.  I do ask that you utilize the Sheriffs Office phone number or 911 after hours, as they will contact me, and they will know more exactly where I may be at at any given time.  Also, if for some reason I am unable to respond, they can assist by sending a County Officer.  In short, you know far better than I when something is wrong in your community, so please help me to help you.
And finally, the question has been asked several times, and Yes, I will be keeping Officer Joe Newman on as a part time officer for the Cottonwood Police Department.  His knowledge and experience will continue to be an asset to the city, as well as giving me a couple days a week to spend with my family, something that I have begun to realize the importance of over the last year.  I will, however, be available in case he needs anything, and he or the Sheriffs office will know how to contact me.
Folks, I agree whole heartedly on the direction that the Mayor and City Council are leading the community, in that we need to work cooperatively, help each other, and communicate our needs and desires and look forward to working with each one of you in the future.
Thank you for your past, present, and future support.
Terry S. Cochran
Chief of Police

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
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