Adeline Lustig places 11th in state contest
Adeline Lustig placed 11th out of nearly 150 applicants in the Idaho Cattle Association’s Heifer of the Year Contest.
Youth in grades 7-12 were competing for a chance to win a registered purebred heifer and other prizes. 
Contestants were to complete an examination of 50 multiple choice, true/false and fill in the blank questions in addition to 3 of 4 essay questions. The test was a difficult and challenging task for the industry’s future leaders.  The participants must not only know about cattle production, but also current issues affecting the cattle industry.  The following essay questions were part of the 2005 test:  How do you feel a purebred heifer will help you reach your future goals? What issue do you believe has had the greatest impact on the beef industry in the last five years and why? What are the benefits and drawbacks for producers in implementing an animal identification system? Explain the benefits that cattle grazing provides on federal lands in Idaho.
For her 11th place finish, Lustig will receive a backpack from Allflex USA. 
The Heifer of the Year Contest is sponsored by purebred members of the Idaho Cattle Association.  The ICA is a non-profit membership association representing almost 1200 cattle producers, feeders and related agricultural businesses.  Please contact the ICA office at (208) 343-1615 or for information about membership or the 2005 Heifer of the Year Contest.
Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
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