Saddliers compete at 4-H Horse Show
The Idaho County 4-H Horse Show as held on Saturday, July 9th at the Border Days Arena in Grangeville.  The Cottonwood Saddliers and Livestock 4-H Horse Group attended, with 20 out of 21 members showing their horses under a wet, gloomy sky, but each had a smile on their face as the day began.  For many, the day started around 4 AM with the bathing of their horses.  Not a fun thing to do when it is cold, wet and rainy, and most having to use cold water to accomplish this task.  Tabitha Sonnen and her horse “Sugar” was unable to compete, due to Sugar miss-stepping and over-flexing her right rear fetlock at the written recommendation of her veterinarian.  Tabitha, however, came and spent the day rooting on her constituents as they competed in the different events.  One of our other contestants, first year member Brooke Schumacher had to resort using another horse due to her horse “M&M” coming down with fistula of the withers, becoming un-rideable for quite some time.  Again, her veterinarian recommended “M&M” not to be used.
The 1st order of business was Fitting and Showing at Halter, where all the members did a fantastic job of showing their horses to the judge.  The Junior Division (ages 8-11), along with showing their horse, were asked to point out certain horse parts to the judge.  They all did a great job, and everyone knew the part she asked them.  Great job, kids!  The older two age divisions: Intermediate and Senior were asked to a specific pattern while showing their horses.  They, too, did a great job.
Bareback Equitation was next on the agenda, with only a few members feeling comfortable enough to ride their horses without a saddle.  They, too, did an awesome job sticking with their horses on their jaunt around the arena.
Those not riding Bareback were seen saddling their horses in preparation for the Western Equitation Class.  All contestants but Tabitha and Jake Wimer completed in this event.  Jacob Wimer & his horse “Speck” were unable to do this event due to “Speck” forming an abscess in the bottom of his hoof from stepping hard on a rock.  It was recommended that he not ride him hard, so Jake opted to not do this event, going straight to the Trail Class.
The members and their horses were put to the test in the Trail Class, having to maneuver around set obstacles.  They had to work their way through a course consisting of crossing a bridge, walk over logs, remove a water bottle from a mail box and place it on a pole, cross a bridge, open a gate and close it after riding through it, backing between two barrels and sidepassing their horses both directions.
While this was taking place, those riding in the English Events were preparing themselves and their horses for the Hunt Seat class, and those with more experience, the Hunter-Jumper class.  Those Saddlier members were: NaTosha Schaeffer, Diana Geis, Adeline Lustig and Kayla Uhlenkott.  NaTosha and Kayla were the Saddliers that entered the Hunter-Jumper competition.  At this time I would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to Helen Edwards for doing the English project for the last three years.  I wish her and her family the best in their move to Texas.  Jeff, Helen, and girls Maddie and Kelly are definitely going to be missed!!!
Western games was next on the agenda, with the Saddliers responsible for setting up, running and taking down the events.  Events run that day were: Poles, Figure-8, KeyHole, Flag & the Barrel races.  Again, everyone did a great job.  A special thank goes to Gary Campbell for bringing over the equipment and for being in charge in setting up and tearing down of each event.
Here are the results for each Saddliers participating at the Idaho County Horse Show:
Betty Jane Clark, Fitting & Showing, Blue-back in for Champion Junior Showman, Placed 5th Over-All Junior; Western Equitation, Red; Derek Nuxoll, Fitting & Showing, Red; Bareback Eq., Red; Western Eq., Blue-back in for Champion Western Eq., placed 6th Over-All Junior, Trail Class, Red; Makayla Schaeffer, Fitting & Showing, Blue; Western Eq., Red; Trail Class, Blue; Poles, White; Figure-8, Blue; Flag, Blue-Reserve Champion; Barrels, Blue-Reserve Champion; Brooke Schumacher, Fitting & Showing, Red; Western Eq., Red; Trail Class, Red; Poles, Blue; Figure-8, Red; Keyhole, Blue; Flag, White; Barrels, Red; Karissa Terhaar, Fitting & Showing, Blue-back in for Champion Junior Showman, Placed 3rd Over-All Junior; Western Eq., Blue; Poles, White; Figure-8, White; Keyhole, Blue; Flag, Red; Barrels, Red; Kayla Schumacher, Fitting & Showing, Red; Western Eq., Red; Trail Class, White; Poles, Red; Shelby Von Bargen, Fitting & Showing, Blue; Western Eq., Blue; Trail Class, Red; Poles, Blue; Figure-8, Red; Keyhole, White; Flag, Red; Barrels, Red; Nicole Wemhoff, Fitting & Showing, Blue-back in for Champion Junior Showman, Placed 6th Over-All Junior; Western Eq., Blue; Trail, White; Poles, White; Keyhole, Red; Flag, Red; Barrels, Red;  and Joshua Wimer, Fitting & Showing, Blue; Western Eq., Red; Trail, Red.
Jamie Chmelik, Fitting & Showing, Red; Bareback Eq., White; Western Eq., Red; Trail, Blue; Kelly Edwards, Fitting & Showing, Blue-back for Champion Inter. Showman, Placed 8th Over-All Inter.; Western Eq., Blue-back in for Champion Inter. Showman, Placed 2nd Over-All Inter.; NaTosha Schaeffer, Fitting & Showing, Blue-back in for Champion Inter. Showman, Placed 2nd Over-All Inter.; Rosette; Hunt Seat Eq., Blue-Grand Champion Inter. Div., Trophy; Trail, Blue; Chaelena Wimer, Fitting & Showing, Blue; Western Eq., Red; Trail, Red; Poles, Blue; Figure-8, Blue; Keyhole, Blue-Reserve Champion Inter., Rosette; Flag, Blue-Champion Inter., Trophy; Barrels, Blue-Reserve Champion Inter., Rosette; Rachel Wemhoff, Fitting & Showing, White; Western Eq., White; Trail, Red; Poles, Blue; Figure-8, Blue-Reserve Champion Inter., Rosette; Barrels, Blue; and Jacob Wimer, Fitting & Showing, Blue; Trail, Blue-Reserve Champion Inter., Rosette.
Lauren Chmelik, Fitting & Showing, White; Western Eq., White; Diana Geis, Fitting & Showing, Red; Bareback, Red; Western Eq., Red; Hunt Seat Eq., Red; Trail, Blue-Reserve Champion Senior, Rosette; Poles, Blue-Champion Senior, Trophy; Figure-8, Blue; Keyhole, Blue; Flag, Blue; Barrels, Blue; Alanna Kudebeh, Fitting & Showing, Blue-back for Champion Senior Div., 4th Over-All Senior; Western Eq., Blue-3rd Over-All Senior Div., Adeline Lustig, Fitting & Showing, Blue-back in for Champion Senior Div., 3rd Over-All Senior; Bareback Eq., Blue-3rd Over-All Senior Div.; Western Eq., Red; Trail, Blue; Hunt Seat Eq., Blu-2nd Over-All Hunt Seat, Rosette; and Kayla Uhlenkott, Fitting & Showing, Red; Bareback Eq., Blue-2nd Over-all Bareback Senior, Rosette; Western Eq., Blue-1st Over-All Senior Div., Trophy; Green Horse, Blue-1st Over-All Senior Div., Trophy; Hunt Seat Eq., Blue-1st Over-All Senior Div., Trophy; Hunter-Jumper, Blue-2nd Over-All Senior, Rosette; and Trail, Blue-Grand Champion Senior Div., Trophy.
Betty and myself would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of our club members for a job well done!  You are all winners, and we are proud to have had you in our club.  Keep up the good work, and be sure to give your parents a hug and thank them for seeing to it that you made all the meetings and riding clinics.  I want to thank each and every parent for seeing to it that your children made it to these meetings, and for instilling in them the good work ethic that we saw while getting ready for this year’s show.  Keep on Riding!
On a personal note, I would like to give a special thanks to Jeanie Von Bargen for helping me out when Betty “went down in the line of duty.  Walking into some of the riding sessions was pretty scary, and I want to thank you for coming to my aid when I needed it.
Good luck to all of you who are heading to Saint Maries August 13th.  I know all of you will make us proud!
Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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