Tri-Parish Youth activities for August
The sun may be scorching hot as the rays of heat spread throughout the earth but we gather in praise and worship because of the gifts Gods has shown us throughout these days. August brings with it a chance to thank God for the gifts of family barbeques, warm evening walks, camping trips, cool rivers, and extra time to spend with family and friends. It is here in the midst of the heat and warmth that God has made his presence known. So I encourage you to embrace this last month of God's graciousness that is present through the summer sun and remember to thank Him for everything, because in everything He is present. We just need to look.
During the first week of August the Adult Leadership team will meet to talk about small group formation for the upcoming school year. We will meet at the Junior High Peace Building on August 2nd at 7:00 p.m. Your input is very important in planning this program, so your attendance is very vital. On the 4th of August we will be soaking in the joy of friendship as we head to the Asotin Water Park. We will leave from the Church parking at 10:00 a.m. and return at 7:00 p.m. We will finish the night with Adoration at
10:00 p.m. Please bring money for swimming and food. We will meet for pizza following the swim. We could use adult driver. If you are interested please call Debbie.
During the second week of August, The Peer Ministry Team will be meeting on the 7th at 7:00 p.m. at the Junior High Peace Building to begin planning the back to school gathering. All peer ministers are asked to be present. On August 9th the Renew group will meet to discuss the subject of loneliness. All High School youth are encouraged to attend.
During the 3rd week of August I will be gone on vacation. I will be praying for you. Please pray for me.
During the 4th week of August, the Peer Ministry Team will meet on the 21st at 7:00 p.m. to continue to formation and planning. On the 23rd the Bread of Life Bible Study Group will meet at the JHPB to begin a new session in the Book of John. Please read John 11:1-1-44 and be prepared to discuss the chapters. On August 25th the youth will meet at the Junior High at 5:00 p.m. to begin their 30 Hour Fast. The youth will be collecting donations for this fast as they go without food for 30 hours. The money collected will be given to World Vision and they will put the money to use in a worldwide effort to stop famine in many different countries. They have responded to emergency needs throughout the world such as the 2004 tsunami, earthquakes and famine by providing food, clean water, blankets, and medical supplies. The youth will also be sleeping in boxes for one night to get an understanding of what it is like to be homeless. They will also do several service projects throughout their time together. They will gather at the end of the famine at the Ferdinand for the Eucharistic celebration of mass at 5:00 p.m. This meal will be the first food they have in 30 hours and will truly give them a new understanding of God's presence in their lives. Please pray for these youth as they gather together in the name of poverty and reach out to others with their sacrifice of love for all. I ask also that you support them with your donation of any amount. Your helping heart could change more than one child's life for an eternity, both here and abroad! Please contact me if you would like to donate or have questions.
During the last week of August I will be preparing for school, as school starts the 30th. Again, please embrace the warmth of these closing summer days as they express the ending of another season of God's gift so present within our lives.
In Christ's Faith and Service
The Parish Youth Minister
Debbie Chicane

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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