Cottonwood City Council meets
The Cottonwood City Council held their regular April meeting Monday, April 9.
In his police report, Terry Cochran noted the new police vehicle should be ready sometime this week. He said they have one offer pending on the old vehicle.
He was also asked by Mayor Denis Duman to do some crosswalk enforcement. Duman said he had noted a few times when there were people in the crosswalk and vehicles driving on through. Cochran wants to remind drivers that pedestrians have the right-of-way when crossing the street and you need to stop for them or you can be cited. He also wants to let people know that if you see a violation, you can take down the license plate and the offender can be cited.
In other reports Jim Steinke reported they will have a prison crew working in the agriforest on April 18-19. They are also still working on some solutions for the bug problems. They want to make sure that any pesticide used doesn’t interfere with the sewage treatment. Potlatch apparently has some bug and wind resistant trees they want to try out, probably in just one quadrant to see how they go.
Jack Duman reported they didn’t have much luck with their grant proposals. One of them the engineering company didn’t have all the information set up and they will resubmit that one for the city at no charge. The other they just didn’t score enough points. They scored 45 and the funding cutoff was at 47.
Duman also said he would like to see the sidewalks painted and streets striped at least twice a year.
He also reported they’ll be contacting citizens soon about the dust abatement program for this year.
Mayor Duman reported that he talked with a representative from the railroad and they will be in town around the first part of May to clean up the ties and metal from the disassembled rail lines.
In the land and buildings report it was reported that Arnzen Building Construction was the low bidder on the concrete work for the new public works building.
In the Fire Department report Mayor Duman reported they have 9 men going to Coeur d’Alene for training this weekend. They also received some grant money that they were able to use for new caps and jackets for the firemen. Every fireman got a cap but you have to complete four specific training sessions to earn a jacket and nearly everyone has.
Jay Hinterlong reported on the IdaLew meeting. They have info available for a rural ag and small business loan program. He said there is also some grant moneys available for railroads with Bennett Lumber being interested in getting the railroad operating again.
Hinterlong commented that since Gil Bates took over at IdaLew that there seems to be a lot more things happening.
The Youth Sports agreement was discussed but there was no action as they are having a meeting Wednesday where they will discuss the city’s proposal that was sent to them last week by Shelli Schumacher.
Mayor Duman commented he sees a lot of parallels between the Youth Sports fields and the Riding Club arena except that it seems every time there’s an improvement at the Youth Sports fields it costs the city more money.
In new business August 27 at 7 p.m. was set as the date and time for the annual budget hearing.
Schumacher also reported on the Horizons Program and handed out brochures to the council members asking them to consider being a part of it.
She also said that the idea for the Community Events column that is elsewhere in this week’s Chronicle was developed at their last Horizons program meeting.
She also wanted to remind everyone about the community cleanup that is starting this Wednesday. If you have large items you cannot transport to the roll-offs yourself, contact the city to have them picked up on any of the next 3 Wednesdays.
The council adjourned at 8:10 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, May 14 at 7 p.m.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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