College credit agreement approved
A concurrent credit agreement with Lewis-Clark State College was approved at the school board meeting held Thursday, Feb. 21 at the Prairie Middle School library.
It allows students in certain high school classes to apply for and receive college credit for those classes as well. English 3 and 4 will work next year along with psychology, economics and the upper division science and math classes. Government and speech being offered this semester will be part of this as well.
The school calendar for 2008-09 was discussed. Superintendent Gary Blaz questioned why 2 weeks for Christmas and a full week for Spring Break. He also suggested maybe eliminating early outs and going with a full day for professional development. Different options were discussed with Blaz and the other administrators to get information together and come up with a couple of different calendars to look at by next meeting.
The crisis team presentation has been put off until next month as their plan was not ready.
A safety busing reimbursement request was approved by the board.
The emergency closures were discussed. A resolution was read to the board and signed and approved by the board.
Use of an appraisal and inventory service was discussed and tabled until next month when Blaz and Denise Uhlenkott can present more information.
The resignation of the cheerleader adviser was approved. It was discussed that they may want to look at combining the cheerleader and dance advisers into one position.
Gordon Talley was recommended as the new elementary school janitor. His hiring was approved by the board.
Drug-Free coordinator Colleen Sonnen appeared before the board about the wellness day. Last year it was at the Middle School. This year she’d like to do it at the high school on April 9. Ideas for classes include drug-sniffing dogs, gangs in Idaho, ISP-Faces of Meth, brain scans, a presentation on AIDS and HIV by LCSC, a suicide talk by Dean Allen, and Journey counseling (narcotics and drug identification). The students in the drug-free group went on a ski trip last week.
Loretta Riener, representing the Booster Club, said they are looking at a banner to include all past state track champions. Most of the cost would be covered by advertisers on the banners. They should be done and up on the wall by the fall of 2008.
In administrative reports Todd Shumway reported that Ariel Whitley is a national Merit Scholar Finalist (see photo elsewhere in this week’s Chronicle). She was presented a plaque on Tuesday, Feb. 19. He also reported on winter sports. The blood drive went well with 18 donors. It was organized by Jessica Gehring. The National Honor Society is running a Penny Wars style penny drive for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society for the next two weeks. Spring sports start Feb. 25.
He also reported that the Idaho Teen Dating violence committee counselors did a good presentation on teen relationships.
Spring ISAT testing is set to start April 14.
Rene’ Forsmann reported that wrestling season has ended at the Middle School. She said they also had a hunter safety course in early February. Volleyball is having their last home game. Easter candy sales have started with the proceeds going to a band trip to Silverwood and for a new sound system in the gym. Missoula Children’s Theatre is set for March 3-7. The band will go to LCSC on Feb. 28. 
Blaz reported that Middle School roof has been having problems and they are talking to contractors. A 5-year heating plan will be developed. Bio mass may be included. They will also include assessments of the buildings, windows, doors and boilers. Avista will not pursue natural gas in this area.
Blaz reported he also attended a committee hearing on educational funding. Arguments were presented from both sides, mostly concerning salaries. ISTARS has been scaled down to what is being called ISTARS Light due to funding availability. It will have only 3 tiers instead of 5. The state is looking at a 3% raise for classified and certified personnel and a 1% raise for administration.
As elementary principal he was to have 5 children and 2 teachers for lunch Friday. He is finishing teacher evaluations. He also reported that Ashle’ Long is student teaching with Mrs. Kim Schumacher.
The board adjourned to an executive session at 9:25 p.m.
The next regular meeting of the board will be Monday, March 17. A social will be held in the Elementary School library and the meeting will follow in the board meeting room.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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