Parking concerns on Main Street
City Hall has been receiving complaints regarding parking on Main Street, and the complainants have asked that I address this issue via the newspaper in an attempt to get everyone’s cooperation in complying with Cottonwood Municipal Code 10.08.010.
In short, what that Ordinance states is that parking is restricted on Main Street, between Broadway (the road to the Post Office) and Idaho (Bud’s Saw Shop).  
Parking in that area of Main Street is limited to 2 hours during the business day which is 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Saturday.
If it gets to the point where citations need to be issued to remedy the situation the fine for this particular parking violation is an Infraction and the cost is $43.00.
Now the good part.  Folks, this particular ordinance has been on the books for years, however, this being the community that it is with folks working well with each other this ordinance has not had to be utilized very much.  What I’ve seen in the past is that most people simply forget and park in front of other businesses while they are doing whatever they need to do.  I am hoping that this small reminder will solve the problems that our businesses have been experiencing and that we can all watch where, and for how long, we park.
If there are any questions or issues with parking, or other law enforcement problems please feel free to contact me at City Hall at 962-3231 or through Idaho County Sheriff dispatch at 983-1100
Terry Cochran, Cottonwood Chief of Police

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
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