Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

A strong faithful Idaho citizen who has represented District 8 for a number of years is Ken Roberts.  His concern for District 8 and all of Idaho is highly respected.  Ken is a defender of the right to keep and bear arms, always votes to protect the unborn and always working to cut taxes for property owners.  He has the knowledge and experience to help us more.  Vote Ken Roberts District 8A Representative on November 4.
Shorty & Marge Arnzen
Cottonwood, ID 83522

To the editor,
Doug Giddings is knowledgeable, experienced and friendly, and should be our next sheriff.  He has lived in Idaho for 13 years, and has worked in law enforcement for 37 years.  He began working for the Sheriff’s Dept.10 years ago and now ranks 6th in senority.  Before that he worked for the Idaho County Probation Dept.  He is a people person and would be honest and open by communicating with the public about Idaho County law enforcement.  As Sheriff, Doug would especially target those who sell and manufacture drugs in Idaho County.   Doug has already been contacted by local people who would be highly qualified to work in the Dept. and he would retain competent employees already working there.  This is the right time, the right place, Doug Giddings is the right man for the right job, Idaho County Sheriff.  Please cast your vote for Doug Giddings.
Donna Wassmuth

Idaho County voters remember that Doug Giddings has a vast knowledge and experience in many phases of law enforcement and drug curtailment.  Having been a long time officer has given him contacts with other law men through out Idaho and other states.  He wants to maintain a positive working relationship with the people of our county, eliminate wasteful spending and provide effective leadership.   So vote for Doug Giddings a man of proven experience and capability.
Shorty & Marge Arnzen
Cottonwood, ID 83522

Letter to the Editor:
As an Idaho County Commissioner I have made many inquires to our current State Representative, Ken Roberts, about legislative matters that affect Idaho County.  Those inquires go unheeded.  The business of the county is too important to be ignored.  Richard Adams has visited most of the Chambers of Commerce and City Councils in District 8.  Each time he told the City Councils and chambers that he will open lines of communications between them and the legislature.  He told them he wanted to work together on legislation that affects city and county governments.  I knew Richard when he was a legislator from 1980-1992; he was consistenly connected to communities and listened to concerns from his District.  We need Richard's kind of representation in Boise.  A vote for Richard Adams is a vote for responsive representation.  
Jim Rehder
Idaho County Commissioner

Letter to the Editor: 
Jim Rehder for a healthier, safer, wiser and happier Idaho!  We've known Jim, and have admired his moral values and ideals and integrity for years - since he was a kid (as we are a bit older than he is).  Jim researches issues with passion - then acts!  Jim has deep family values and forever ties to northern Idaho.  He has long been involved in community, education and human rights and he LISTENS to "US".  He will not be "lukewarm" in carrying our needs and concerns to Boise!  He will not be afraid to have a loud voice in the Idaho Legislature!  Jim Rehder is full of energy and has a passion for serving the needs of our community and the people of Idaho.  When Jim was working within our justice system he inspired us to "get involved".  In following Jim, we've learned that it's not only our votes but "actively working in the trenches" that can bring about change.  Jim Rehder is the best choice for District 8's Idaho House of Representatives.  If you want extreme honesty, a hard worker, someone passionate about Idaho's people (that's ALL of US) and, one who is extremely knowledgeable about our issues -- Vote Jim Rehder for District 8 Legislature!  Let Jim Rehder inspire all of us!!!
Spike & Peggy Dorf
Grangeville, ID

Jim Rehder is running for State Representative because he is a community advocate who listens to the members of his district, and is willing to change the dynamics of politics in Idaho.  He is a lifelong educator who believes in supporting public education and children of this great state.  He is a husband, father, grandfather, and brother who is proud of his family and the values he possesses.  He and his wife have raised three successful children—one, a nurse, and two teachers.  Not a day goes by that he doesn’t inspire and support those whom he loves.  He challenges them to strive to be the best they can be, and he holds himself to the same high standards.  Fortunately, his actions speak for themselves.  
As a successful two-term commissioner in Idaho County, Jim Rehder has actively engaged in listening to the issues of the community, researched the facts, and ultimately made the best decision to create the best solution.  He educates himself on the issues that matter to the people of Idaho.  He’s a man who is willing to reach out and support others in a positive and uplifting way.  On November 4, please vote for the person who is best qualified to meet the needs of the communities he represents—my dad, Jim Rehder.  He will work for and listen to you.
Thank you, 
Lisa Ellis, Brazil

Dear Editor,
I will be voting for Paul Shepherd this year for Idaho State Representative in Dist. 8B. For some time now, my voting decisions have been made by looking at the candidate's stand on pro-life issues because I believe they are the most important issues facing America today.
Did you see the young man's letter to Sen. Obama? Part of it read "Back in the day, people thought that blacks were less than human. I think some time in the future people will say, 'Back in the day, people thought that unborn babies were less than human.'"
These are human babies we are talking about, and we need to stand up and protect them. They have rights, too. Paul Shepherd has shown that he will stand up and vote pro-life. I want to be on Paul's side.
Nancy J. Connolley
Grangeville ID

Letter to the Editor,
Every day Jim Rehder will learn something, listen to someone, ask questions about something, and work hard to represent the rural communities and protect the taxpayers in District 8.  He will accept calls, return calls, write letters and notes, and actively seek ideas and information from those he represents.  Jim has always worked in his community - as a basketball referee, as a High School Booster Club member, as an LCSC supporter, and as a Hospital Board member – the list goes on and on.  He also has always done his job as a teacher, prison manager, Warden, project manager, and Idaho County Commissioner.  He works!  Jim is exactly the kind of person I want representing me in the Idaho State Legislature.  I am voting for Jim’s dedication, hard work, and willingness to get involved so that he can protect the taxpayers in District 8.
Bill Farmer

Who’s the education candidate in District 8-B?  It’s no contest.  State Representative Paul Shepherd is the only true education candidate in this race.  I find it laughable that Democrats are making claims to the contrary.  Paul, a former local school board member, sits on the House Education Committee, which is in the front lines of developing education policy.  More importantly, his life has revolved around education.  Five of his children went on to be teachers and varsity coaches.  Unlike the Democrats, Paul thinks some changes are needed to improve the education system.  He believes that our best teachers should be paid more-and not treated the same as any other teacher.  He believes that funding for our schools needs protection from diminishing federal revenue.  He believes that parents should have expanded choice options and that kids in rural schools should have the same education opportunities as those in larger districts.  Paul is well aware that our future depends on a strong education system and his actions match his words.  Paul has done an outstanding job as our State Representatives and he deserves to be re-elected.
Jim Routh,
Orofino, Idaho

Letter to the Editor:
I am writing in support of Representative Paul Shepherd, Legislative District 8, for re-election to the Idaho Houses of Representatives.
He serves on the Education, Health & Welfare, and the Resource and Conservation Committees.  These are all very important committees in the House of Representatives.
As Chairman of the Resource and Conservation Committee, I really depend on Paul’s experience with the Timber Industry.  He has many years of experience with the natural resource issues of Central Idaho, and also brings the perspective of the Sportsman of his area.
He works hard for his constituents, and works well with other members of the Legislature, as he articulates the needs of Legislative District 8.
As Chairman of the House of Representatives Resource & Conservation Committee, I encourage you to re-elect Representative Paul Shepherd.
Thank you.
John A. “Bert” Stevenson

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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