Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

AS I have driven around Cottonwood these last few weeks, I have noticed  that a lot of my Catholic neighbors are supporting The Democratic Party.  My question is,  Don't they Know that this is the group that support abortion, even killing babies after they are 90% born,by sucking their brains out!   Don't they Know  that this is the Party that appoints Judges that changed our laws to make GAY marrage And  Abortion Legal !  Don't they Know that the POPE Has said, That people who support these things ,should not be given communion !
Don't they know, that 200,000,000 to 400,000,000 babies have died in the last  twenty years thru abortion ?
What will they tell GOD. when they stand before HIM on Judgement Day ?  Don't they Know that you can't serve  GOD and Satan at the same time ?  Don't they know that the POPE calls abortion murder ?  Do they beleive that GOD created all these babies just to be murdered ?
Anyone wanting to clue me in, answer my questions, my E-mail is lhuntley@msn.com
Lee Huntley

To the Editor,
To all who were saddened by the recent racist letters in the Chronicle, we hope you already are aware that the great majority of the community does not share those views. Like it or not, we already have a great deal of diversity and nearly all of us are descendents of immigrants from many other countries. Louis and I were shocked to think our daughter-in-law from Lebanon would not be welcomed by some in our community. By the way, she is not a member of the Hizbullah and the Muslim neighbors saved the lives of her mother and the other Christian women during the Civil War in Lebanon. We have two new US citizens from other countries now in Grangeville. Let’s welcome diversity and celebrate it!
Louis and Linda Stubbers

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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