Relay for Life kickoff event held
The Gallery in Grangeville was the site of the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life Kickoff and began with a skit performed by the team of “Kid’s Gone Wild For A Cure” with Courtney Cuffe and Rachel Mager as team captains and their team members of Tessa Darr, A Relay for Life Poster.Caitlyn Eckert, Tressie and Treana Hansen.  They were “dreaming of finding a cure for cancer” to the tune of Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” and changing the words to the fight and defeat of cancer in their lifetime.  You can look for them in future events and be watching for their next bake sale at Asker’s Grocery.  The Gallery with Chef Nancy, Sue, and Carmen as our wonderful hosts made for a great way to begin ‘catching the spirit of Relay’ that “Dr. Gordy Klatt began in 1985 in Tacoma, Washington,” explained Sally Soltman of Grangeville, 2009 Chairperson.  Relay is a fairly new experience for Sally as she related that when she first heard about this event she “thought this was a sporting event” but was soon straightened out and came to know Relay For Life as “more of a spiritual event” as there is a tender spot in every cancer survivor and victim who has ever participated in this family event.  Nicol Barnes, our ACS Staff Partner, thanked everyone for attending and “always loves to come to Grangeville as this committee is so great to work with.”  She is excited about this year, Relay’s 25th year and told of the theme for this year as the committee chose “As Time Goes By” and that team captains can choose any year from 1985 to the present for decoration and costume designing as well as camp site preparations.  She told of where some of the money that our Relay has raised has gone to the University of Idaho in excess of $2 million dollars in research grants, which is great to know that we have and will benefit from our fundraising efforts.  Our new “Cancer Resource Center”, staffed by numerous local volunteers, is a direct service some of our Relay money has financed.  Mary Beth Meyers invited all cancer survivors to stand and in applause explained that “the survivor’s are what this event is all about” and that this year the committee really wants to “focus on our relationships with each other and with our families.”  Our main goal for this Relay is to have a record number of survivors to “walk the survivor lap” and enjoy an evening of fun and entertainment as they are recognized for fighting a tough battle, and being an encouragement to others fighting the same battle.  “As we all know our economy is not that great right now” so we are not focusing on how much money we can raise, rather how many people we can gather in able to inspire and enrich each other.  Terri Peterson, Luminaria Chairperson, visualized the portion of the event in which everyone, young and old, can relate to; the luminiaria ceremony.  For every donation made to a team member, a plain white lunch sack with the American Cancer Society logo will be decorated as to the team’s theme and bear the name of the person in whom the donation was made.  Terri explained that cancer has entered into her family’s life and she showed the bags she has made for her grandmother, sister, and mother-in-law and how meaningful it is to se them lit up at the track.  Team Captains can give Terri a call at 983-2145 to pick up luminaria bags for their members.  Amy Conn, Team Captain Chairperson, invites everyo9ne forming a team to pick up a packet for their team members by calling her at 451-0385.  Team Captain meetings will start this month on Monday the 23rd at Oscar’s banquet room from 5:45 to 6:30 p.m.  These short, informative meetings will have team captain packets, fundraising ideas, and all kinds of exciting news as final plans are being set for the main event on July 17.  Amy will be relating the schedule of events, food plans, and everything a team captain wants to know about Relay For Life at these monthly meetings.  Jim Wagner, Logistics Chairperson, thanked everyone for coming and told his story of how he became involved in Relay by first making Each bag is in remembrance of someone lost to cancer.donations to his friend, Jan Peters, as she was captain of a team that traveled to the Snake River Relay in Clarkston, Washington for several years.  “Jan finally got me to be on her team” and I realized what she meant about the feeling you get from being a part of Relay.  It wasn’t long before “Grangeville was asked to host an event and I have been on the planning committee since.”  Jim is also a survivor as he was diagnosed in 2008 and this will be his second year to walk the survivor lap.  Carolyn Hanning and her daughter, Tammy Quick, have really been an inspiration to this Relay committee.  They are great supporters.  Tammy’s friend and boss, Judy, participated in her first Relay last year, and “I got to see Relay in her eyes and from her point of view and it has changed me forever.”  With tears in her eyes she explained what inspires her to be a part of Relay For Life, her grandparent’s and other family members and friends who have fought the cancer battle.  Arlene Bearlocher, Judy, and Collette, Relay Photographer’s are available to take pictures of any fundraiser or event a team may be hosting.  They also work for St. Mary’s Hospital and chair the St. Mary’s/Orofino hospitals team and are proud Excalibur sponsors of a $1500.  Their donation is wonderful as it is great to have the medical community as supporters as we are investing in their patient’s futures.  Well, food is always on the agenda for such an event and Joann Ketchum, from Kamiah, will be our chef for the Relay.  Dinner will be a fabulous homemade chicken noodle soup and you can also expect all kinds of goodies to go with.  Breakfast is still in the works but with Joanne at the helm we know it will be wonderful.  Lisa Davis, Relay Store Chairperson, said she will have a tent of all kinds of Relay shirts and gear for you to choose from.  There will be items for children to purchase as well.  She invites everyone to stop by her store at the event in July.  Margaret Myers was introduced as the Cancer Resource Center volunteer coordinator and ivites anyone interested in seeing what we have available to us to stop by in the Women’s Health Clinic and see what some of your donation dollars has gone towards.  “We encourage cancer patients needing some information to come in and let us help.”  We also have a driver available to drive a patient to appointments and would like to have at least one more driver.  The center is open Wednesday’s and Thursday’s from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. so stop by and visit.  The next Relay For Life meetings are set for Monday, March 23 at Oscar’s with team captains meeting at 5:45 and committee at 6:45p.m.  If you have any questions you can reach Sally at 983-3720 or

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