Residents input sought
Idaho County Commissioner Jim Rehder, is working with the Idaho Department of Transportation to improve The intersection of U.S. 95 and  Greencreek Road has been the site of numerous accidents in the years since the bypass was built in the mid-1970’s. Input is sought on how to make it safer.highway safety along US Highway 95.  He is requesting input from the Cottonwood/Greencreek area residents on a proposed over/under pass at the US 95 junction of Greencreek Road and US 95 business intersection at the north entrance to Cottonwood.
Over the past decades there have been a number of fatality and injury accidents at that intersection; however, the timing between events has been long enough to keep an automatic upgrade from being done as an IDT safety improvement.  According to IDT spokesman Jim Carpenter, the intersection is in design and is scheduled for the 2013 Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP).  That section of the highway has been determined by the transportation department to be a dangerous intersection.  There is $3 million budgeted for the project and the most economical plan would provide for the Greencreek Road as an underpass to US 95.
Commissioner Rehder is seeking input from the community to determine if an over/underpass should be built for safety reasons at that intersection.  Rehder said, "I am strongly committed to public safety and the best source of information is to go directly to the residents for their inputs and ideas."  According to ITD officials, public hearings on the intersection improvement proposal may occur within the next 6 months. Rehder is asking you to send your inputs in favor or opposed to construction, directly to him by Email at, or contact  him by mail at Idaho County Commissioners, Attn: Jim Rehder, 320 West Main Street, Rm 5, Grangeville, Idaho 83530, by Cell phone--507-0536,  or Fax: (208) 983-1428.  Your input is requested by April 30th.  Commissioner Rehder will gather the information and send it to ITD on behalf of the Cottonwood/Greencreek residents.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131
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