VA Clinic to open in Grangeville
Syringa Hospital and Clinics (SHC), in partnership with the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), will hold a ribbon cutting ceremony on Monday, September 27th to mark the opening of a Community Based Outpatient Clinic to be located in the Carmelita Spencer Building.  A complimentary lunch will be served from 11:30 to 12:30 in Syringa Hospital's Northwest Annex, immediately followed by the ceremony, which will take place at 711 West North Street in Grangeville.
The new VA Clinic is one of 5 community based outpatient clinics operating under Walla Walla's Jonathan M. Wainwright Memorial VA Medical Center (VAMC).   The Medical Center's primary service area includes approximately 65,000 veterans dispersed over a 42,000 square mile area in seven counties in southeastern Washington, four counties in northeastern Oregon, and four counties in western Idaho.
Brian Westfield, MSN, VAMC Director, will share the ribbon cutting honors with Joe Cladouhos, FACHE, SHC CEO.   "The VA is reaching out to veterans in rural areas in Idaho, Oregon and Washington with the goal of making primary care more accessible to our service men and women, moving care closer to their homes." noted Cladouhos.  "Syringa Hospital is honored to be a part of the program."  
Enrolled Veterans within a 60 mile radius of SHC who are currently being seen in Lewiston may now be seen for primary care in Grangeville by the VA Clinic's medical staff - Kevin Mallory, PA-C, a former Navy Seal who currently serves patients in Syringa's Walk In Clinic;  Nathan Winder, PA-C, who provides primary care in Syringa's Kooskia Clinic; and Dr. Danny Griffis who serves patients in Syringa's Primary Care Clinic in Grangeville.    
Grangeville High School's marching band will play during the ceremony.  The public is invited and encouraged to join members of area VFW Posts, the Idaho National Guard, Rep. Ken Roberts (R-ID 8th District) and other honored guests for the luncheon and ribbon cutting.
If you are a vet who is not enrolled and would like more information, you can obtain enrollment assistance by calling the VA Enrollment Service Center, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM (Eastern Time) at 1-877-222-VETS.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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