Jones on mission in Africa
Friends of Brandon Jones (27-year old son of Dr. Andy and Barb Jones) may be pleasantly surprised to learn that he is currently on a Christian/medical mission in Kenya, Africa.Brandon Jones with his wife Dallas.
Don Douglas, the associate pastor of Word of Life Community Church in Newman Lake, Wash., his wife Debbie, who is a nurse, 3 nurses from the Boise area and Brandon, who received his EMT certificate last April, are traveling around Kenya with 12 Kenyans and Pastor Daniel of a sister church in Nakura, Kenya. They have been spending 2 to 3 days at 4 or 5 villages on a scheduled route speaking the Word of God and providing minor medical assistance.
Brandon’s wife, Dallas, has been able to speak with him twice by phone since he left home Jan. 5. The first visit she learned that he was the only one whose luggage did not arrive. His response was that he had everything he needed, anything else was just to add to his comfort. (sleeping bag?)
More recently Brandon told Dallas that he’s the only one with a watch and the people they’re ministering to seem to have no sense of time. They’re all enjoying staying up very late to share God’s Gospel until the crowd is satisfied.
This Thursday they’ll return to Nakura. Brandon will be reunited with his luggage just in time to enjoy a little down time and repack for the return flight to Spokane, scheduled to arrive Jan. 23.
Dallas learned how to build a fire and how to run the 4-wheeler plow. She has successfully done both. She’s a dynamo and has herself been to Mexico with their church on a mission and is hoping to return in March.
We ask that you would pray for God’s seeds to be planted and for the safe return of His servants and their continued growth in character.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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