Farm Bureau meeting
MINUTES for Idaho County Farm Bureau Board Meeting December 5, 2011
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Mike Frei.  Present were board members Don and Charlotte DeArmond, Jeanne Arnzen, Bob Williams, Jim Chmelik, Felix Nuxoll, Ron & Glenda Frei, Jaysa Fillmore and Bob Smathers.  
Minutes were read and approved with correction.  Treasurer’s report was given.
Correspondence:  Thank you letters of recognition for the $1500 donations to FFA were received from Grangeville, Clearwater Valley and Salmon River High Schools.  Thank you from Summit Academy for donation for use of sound system.
Old Business:  Jeanne talked to teachers regarding the upcoming speech contest and put notices in the local papers.  Jaysa updated the group on the Farm Bureau MAC trailer participation in the Farm and Forest Fair.  No decision yet on the amount of our monetary participation.  Charlotte reported on Carol Rust’s election to continue as District 5 Women’s Chairman at the Convention.  Ag Day will be March 20.  March 30-31 IFBF Women’s Leadership Conference will be held in Lewiston.  Idaho County Farm Bureau Women’s activities received 6 gold stars and the County activities, 4 gold stars at Convention.
New Business:  Jaysa suggested planning an activity at local grocery stores for Food Check Out Week in February with the intention of educating the public on agricultural facts. We will work on ideas.  Jim Moved and Ron seconded; motion passed to allow $50 per store plus expenses to fund the idea.  Bob Smathers gave an informative report on Keynesians economics to the board. He explained that Agri-Pac donations will be needed earlier this year.
For the Good of the Order:  Changes in the Idaho Legislature leadership will be Tim Corder will be Chairman of the Revenue and Taxation Committee and Jeff Siddoway will chair the Agriculture Committee.  Jeanne requested $25 for snack bags for the Legislative conference Feb 7 & 8.  Motion carried.
Next meeting will be Jan. 2 at 7:00pm.  Meeting adjourned at 8:40.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenda Frei

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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