Democratic caucus set for April 14
Democrats across the state will hold the Democratic Party Presidential Caucus on Saturday, April 14.  Idaho County Democrats will caucus in Grangeville at the Senior Citizens Center at 108 Truck Route.   Doors open at 8:30 a.m.  Join us for coffee, juice, parties and conversation before the caucus begins at 10:00 a.m.  Idaho Democrats come together in county caucuses to select their Presidential nomination and elect delegates to the State Convention. County Chairman Bill Farmer said, “This is a wonderful way to come together and be among friends to celebrate our President’s re-election campaign as well as elect delegates to represent our county at the State Convention were they will elect Idaho’s National Delegates and help craft our Party platform.” 
A registration table will be set up to qualify new voters so they may participate in the caucus. Those who will be 18 by the time of the general election on November 6, may participate in this caucus.  Participants must be registered voters in the county they are participating with and pledge themselves as an Idaho Democrat.  
For information:  Bill Farmer 208 962 5655

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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