Street work update
In an ongoing effort to improve the streets of Cottonwood, the City has secured grant money in a joint application with the City of Ferdinand to repair some of the BST streets in Cottonwood.  The streets targeted are the oldest BST surfaced streets and one of the busiest, North Street and Smith Street through the Terrace Addition and Butler Street near the fairgrounds.  The surfaces of these streets have already been broken up and additional rock for shaping has been applied.  
The streets will continue to be watered during the project.  Due to the small size of the project, we were unprepared to meet the first date the grinder and contractor had available, so we are at their mercy as to when it will be done.  The date has been moved several times, and at this point it is scheduled for the week of July 29th.  When the work begins, it will be a curious thing to see, but please avoid the areas being worked for several weeks to allow the surface to set up properly.  The streets will be posted as closed to thru traffic, so the residents will have the only access.  If at any time the work denies residents access to their homes they will be notified ahead of time. 
This surface will be a CRABS or a concrete reinforced base, we are anxious to see the performance and finish of this project, because we plan to apply for grant money to do the same on East Street near the Elementary School.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation as this project progresses.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131
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