Reubens Sausage Feed is March 2
The Reubens Community Church is hosting the 50th annual Reubens Sausage feed on Sunday, March 2 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Reubens Community Center.
The All-You-Can-Eat breakfast includes Genesee Sausage, buttermilk and old-fashioned sourdough pancakes, scrambled eggs, coffee and all the trimmings.
The cost for the meal is $28.00 for an immediate family of 4; $8.50 for those 12 and older; $5 for ages 6-12, and children under 6 are FREE!
The Banana Belt Fiddlers will provide the entertainment.
A silent auction will take place again this year. Donations of new-hand-made or baked items are being sought for this church fundraiser. For more information contact Michelle Bovey at 208-791-5805 or Patti Bovey at 208-791-7314. Also, items may be left with Pam Crowl at Dave’s Repair in Craigmont.
Pre-orders for Genesee Sausage are now being taken. The sausage costs $5 per pound. To place an order, contact Kelly Thomason at 208-791-1257 or Pam Crowl at 208-790-3403.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131
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