March activities for Tri-Parish Youth
Dear youth and parents,
With the hope of spring on the horizon, we stand in anticipation of all the blessings of a new season.  Our hearts long to embrace the change that lies ahead, thus inviting us forward with new hope and vigor.  It is here during the month of March that our young people are encouraged to experience this invitation of newness and know the joy that a community gathered in the name of Christ can bring.
We will begin the month with a reminder to all of our Confirmation students.  Please remember that your letters to the Bishop are due no later than the 3rd of March.  You may drop them off at the parish office or mail them to the Parish office at P.O Box 425 Cottonwood, Idaho 83522 by this date.  We will be in Boise on the first weekend of March for the Idaho Catholic Youth Convention.  We have 37 youth, 4 young adults, and 6 adults attending this event.  Please pray for us as we learn how to live out “heroic love” without being afraid! Thank you so much for your support! Many of our youth would not have been able to attend if it wasn’t for your generous donations and support for this event! 
On March 5th the Jr. High and High School youth are invited to a soup and sandwich night before the Ash Wednesday Mass.  We will meet at the Sacred Heart Room at St. Mary’s at 5:15 to eat before we leave for the 7:00 p.m. Mass at Greencreek.  All High School and Jr. High Youth are invited to spend some time with the Lord on March 7th, first Friday at 10:00 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church. This time of prayer is a perfect way to begin your Lenten journey! 
On March 9th the Confirmation youth will meet at the CEC at 7:00 p.m.   Please bring your saint report, baptismal certificate, $35.00 sponsor name and saint name if you haven’t done so already. An e-mail has been sent out to all of the parents of the confirmation youth explaining some the upcoming events, needs, and plans for the confirmation journey, if you have not been receiving these messages please contact me.  On March 10that 7:00 p.m., I will be going with Rebecca Phillips to meet the Bishop at the Rite of Election in Lewiston.  Please pray for Rebecca as she continues her journey toward Baptism during the Easter Vigil.  On March 12th I will be leaving for the LA Religious Education Congress.  I will be attending classes and sessions for youth ministry and spiritual formation.  I will return on March 17th so there will no youth gathering while I’m gone! Please pray for God’s presence on this journey of faith!  On March 19th the Confirmation youth who are doing the stations will be meeting at St. Mary’s Church at 7:00 p.m. for Stations of the Cross practice.  On Friday, March 21st the Confirmation youth will be hosting the Living stations at 6:00 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church.  All Confirmation youth participating in the stations need to be present at 5:15 at St. Mary’s Church.  
On March 24th a small group of adults will meet at St. Mary’s Parish office at 7:00 p.m. to participate in a Focus group on Youth Ministry.  This group will answer questions presented by the diocese to assess the overall function of the youth ministry program and reflect on needs as well as celebrate accomplishments.   On March 26th the Jr. High Youth are invited to our monthly REACH session at the OMG youth room at 6:30 p.m.  All peer ministers please be present at 6:00 p.m. to help set up.  
Yes, the invitation to participation is evident as we gather to praise, worship, share, work, eat, learn, laugh and pray.  Join us this month and see what change your can offer, and what change you can become. 
In the Spirit of hope,
Debbie Chicane
Tri Parish Youth Coordinator

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
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