Hale has top project at Summit Science Fair
Freshman Ally Hale was awarded with the Top Overall Project at the Summit Academy Science Fair with her entry titled, “Blood Sugar.”
Students from the younger classes entered group projects while students in grades 5 -10 proudly displayed their individual experiments. The projects were judged by a team of five people from Lewis and Clark State College during the school day, and awards were given the following evening during the fair. The event was chaired by Summit teachers Emily Prigge and Kimberly Frei.
Winners in the most creative projects category included the Kindergarten Class with their group entry, on “Lungs,” Dylan Krogh and his “Heart Strong” experiment, and Ellie Watson with her entry, “Battle of the Sexes.” Each finished first in their age group and received a certificate and medal.
David Wassmuth placed first in the knowledge category with his project titled, “Are you Wasting Electricity”, and additional first place winners in this category included Chris Osborne with his potato gun project, and the 3rd/4th grade with their “Germs” entry. 

Ally Hale is shown with her project on blood sugar that was judged as the top overall project at Summit Academy’s Science Fair. Photo by Gina Lustig.

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