Walk for Life is held
The weather was rather unsettled, but 165 people registered for the Walk, and 15 more were on hand to cook for and support the event. 
A total of $5,192.60 was raised that day, and donations are still coming in. This will go a long way toward meeting Hope Center’s annual budget and will be used to pay the bills at their Grangeville and Kamiah Centers, as well as provide clients with free parenting, relationship, and money management classes. 
A free breakfast for everyone was served before the Walk by the Knights of Columbus. Then signs were picked up, and the walkers headed out to the streets of Grangeville with a City police escort. Once back at the Hall, everyone enjoyed cookies as they settled down to listen to some area pro-life speakers. The various speakers encouraged the participants to keep speaking up for the unborn and not to “quit or give up.” Several teens gave their personal witness as to why they are pro-life, one quoting words that were spoken in front of the Supreme Court by Mother Theresa. And no one will ever forget the impromptu talk by a pre-teen, who shared that her life was almost snuffed out by abortion, but her birth Mom made the last minute decision to give her the gift of life and place her for adoption with a very thankful area family. 
Many door prizes were given out, and prizes for bringing in the most donations were won by: Lester Downhour, Kelly Turney, Clarissa Stevens, and Olivia Nichols.

The Walk begins, led by the banner. Photo provided by Hope Center.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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