Pikus-Pace to give speech at Grangeville
Noelle Pikus-Pace; Olympian, Silver medalist, Mother, World Champion, World Cup Champion, Business Owner and Sister of Dr. Jared Pikus from St. Mary’s Hospital is coming to Grangeville this summer and has agreed to speak to the community on Monday, July 21st in the Grangeville City Park starting at 6:30 pm.  
Noelle has been a motivational speaker all over the country for several years but since winning her medal at the Olympics this year she has had hundreds of requests and has even been commissioned to write a book.  Daily, she regretfully turns down many speaking opportunities simply due to lack of time.  The fact that she agreed to come to such a small community, is nothing short of a miracle and an amazing opportunity for our community.  Don't miss this amazing opportunity for all ages and all faiths.  She is someone you will always remember listening to and meeting

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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