School Board meets
The budget for the 2014-15 school year was approved at the June meeting of the school board held Wednesday, June 18.
The track project was discussed. Phase I is fully completed and went very well. Ryan Hasselstrom said for Phase II he would like to see an all-weather surface track. The whole facility needs an improvement. Upfront costs is about $180,000. He would like to see a goal of $200,000. He estimates upkeep would be approximately $3,000 per year.  He would like to get permission to go out and raise these funds. Lynn Guyer made the motion and Aaron Hinkelman seconded to approve fundraising for Phase II. Motion carried.
Sonesa Lundmark has submitted her resignation. The board passed a motion to approve that resignation. She was primarily the art teacher and this past year also did the yearbook.
The board also passed a motion approving the McCall Outdoor Science School (MOSS) trip in the fall for the 6th graders on Sept. 10-12. The county commissioners usually help fund this.
The preschool agreement was discussed. Some changes were recommended by superintendent Rene’ Forsmann which include how use of the facility would be paid for. The agreement was approved with the changes.
Discussed briefly was how the levy vote turned out and the separate zone voting.
In the facilities update Forsmann noted they have some excess items setting outside that will be sold by sealed bids.
Painting is being done in the classrooms and the science room at the high school will be a nice change. They have also purchased the new Kubota tractor discussed at the last meeting.
In her elementary principal report Forsmann noted they had a talent show and awards assembly on June 5. June 6 was a field day with early release at 1:30 p.m.
Jake Forsmann, Dave Shears, Westin Crenshaw and Laurie Lorentz are busy getting ready for installation of cabinets and counter tops and rooms have been cleaned and are getting a new coat of paint.
Jessica Vandewall and Colleen Sonnen have received a $43,000 Khan Academy grant for the 2014-15 school year. The money will be used for professional development in training new teachers to use the program and to add new devices to classrooms. Math teachers in grades 2-11 will be using the program.
In her superintendent report Forsmann thanked the community for passing the levy with 58.56% yes vote.
Carrie Nygaard reported on some of the changes at the junior/senior high. Mrs. McLeod’s science room is getting renovated plus painted. Mr. Hasselstrom’s room is being rearranged with desks being moved away from walls and windows.  Mrs. Ellis’ room is getting painted. Mrs. Baldus will be moving to what was the upstairs tech lab. Ms. Wilson will be teaching health in Mr. Nygaard’s room.
She also reported they would like to remove the clause in the concussion policy that we will do the testing. The first year we had a grant and testing can be expensive and time consuming. There was to be a district concussion meeting Thursday, June 19 at Kamiah.
She would also like to update the policy in relation to changing sports mid-season. They would like to limit it to one sport per season. There were a couple of instances of this the past school year.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, July 21 at 7 p.m. This would also be the annual meeting.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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