The LCSC Report
By:  Carla Wilkins
983-2164 to Register
Cooking to Lower Your Numbers
Tues. Oct. 7th; 6-8 pm
By: Diana Higgins; Cost: $30
At:  Grangeville High School
Everyone seems to be trying to lower their intake of cholesterol and saturated fat, but how do you do that without living on twigs and berries?  This class will demonstrate many dishes that are free of meat, dairy and eggs but still delicious.  Whether you’re interested in eating a 100% vegan diet or just incorporating some ideas to lower your numbers, you will come away from this class with a full stomach and lots of recipes and ideas for using new ingredients.  Each time this class is offered, it will showcase different dishes and recipes.
Become a Better Speaker
Thurs. 10/9 – 10/30; 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
By:  Megan Koehler; Cost: $40
At:  Forest Service, Grangeville
Would you like to sharpen your presentation skills?  Do you know what the key points are for a successful presentation?  This public speaking course, taught by a certified teacher, will combine instruction, practice and FUN in a relaxed, light-hearted environment to help relieve the anxiety of public speaking.  

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131
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