Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Dear Editor,
I don’t think many people in this community and surrounding communities realize just how fortunate they are to live here.
When we moved here 6 years ago, we were shocked at the many wonderful things about the people that live here. I was so amazed that I thought I had just left Portland, Oregon and was now living in the twilight zone, or that Scotty had beamed me up unto another space time continuum and soon my body and brain would be reunited. (You don’t know how funny that is because they haven’t been together for 21 years due to Parkinson’s Disease.) People here are awesome. You can be walking down the street and someone will drive by and wave and you don’t even know them. The teenagers are polite and courteous and when they wave it is with a nod of their heads and grunt. Get this, they can even speak in whole sentences and use words bigger than 4 letters. Those 65 years and older you get a nod and then the 30 years olds you get a nod, a smile, and oftentimes a wink. Another amazing thing about these communities is that pretty much everyone is related either by blood or by marriage. That makes us very unique here, because we are neither. We are considered outsiders here, because we are neither. The community doesn’t treat us that way and it sure keeps us out of family conflicts. (hahaha, we had that at home.( One of the most amazing things is the way this community takes care and supports each other and the local businesses. One of the places the community supports is their local library. I have had the privilege of being a board member for the past 3 years. I was appointed sergeant of arms. They even gave me my own gavel. (up here they trust me with a weapon…inside joke, ask me.) The library is self-supporting and they do fund-raisers to support themselves and it is staffed with all volunteers. That’s right, they actually do it for free. (I know I said free and I mean no money, no salary, no stipend, that it’s FREE.)
Once a year they put on their big fundraiser called the Bräts & Brew. This year it is going to be on Saturday, October 25th. They have The Coffey Twins and The Satins, which sounded like the coffee drinks you could get at Starbucks or our own little coffee shop, Jitterz. I was delighted to find out they were a real band. I think they are a real band even when Elvis (the King) Presley shows up. I know I saw him and he looked pretty good for his age. There is wonderful food and the best desserts and oh my gosh, the sausage. I didn’t know that pigs had so much flavor. There is going to be new things this year and you don’t want to miss out. If you want to enter the food contest, check with the library. There is also a silent auction and a live auction. I couldn’t figure out how anyone could win in a silent auction if no one was saying anything. Well I hope all the people who live here and use the library (or even if you don’t) come and enjoy a wonderful night of fun, food and dancing. You can come even if you don’t live here. 
I hope you will stop in and say “Hey” and I will be there with bells one. (cause that’s how my husband can find me in a crowd.)
(Jane Burgess)

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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