Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Cottonwood Area Families
Boy!  Look at the calendar.  It’s time for the Brats & Brew fund raiser for the Cottonwood Library.  Now it’s time for each family to go find their favorite family recipe for sausage and other dishes and bring it to the community hall on October 25th, where 200 judges will taste it and vote on who has the best recipe.
Last year only one sausage was entered, and that just doesn’t give the attendees who buy tickets to the B&B enough choice.  I don’t know if you don’t think your recipe is good enough to be tested, or if you don’t want to spare 15-20 pounds of sausage for a good cause.
This year it would be great if several families would put out a sausage challenge to other families so there was a good selection for the judges to vote on.  If you don’t have a sausage recipe, bring your best side dish that has been passed down from your mother or grandmother.  Don’t forget the brew if this is something you make.
It isn’t hard for the library committee to sell the B&B tickets; getting enough homemade food is what is tough.  If there aren’t enough food entries, this fun event may have to be cancelled in the future.  So, put out that challenge between families and make your best recipe to share.  If you don’t have a favorite recipe, they can always use auction items.  Or, simply make a generous cash donation to the library.
This is a major fund raiser for the library, and everyone knows how important it is for a town to have a good library.  Cottonwood has a great one that benefits young and old and everyone in-between.  Let’s make the 2014 Brats & Brew a great night!  Thanks!
Contact the library for more information or for entry forms.
Lyle Kuther

Letter to the Editor        
Leadership- A quality that causes others to follow is the leadership that Lawerence Denney has in serving in the legislature.  He has served as both Assistant Majority leader and Majority Leader as well as 3 terms Speaker of the House.  His great honor in this leadership position is because he was elected by his peers.
Lawerence Denney, farmer and lawmaker from Midvale is a family man with family values-be faithful, do what’s right, work hard and always being honest is the best policy, is the way he and his family live their lives.
He is running for Secretary of State first and foremost to ensure and protect the integrity of elections and as Secretary of State he will serve on the Idaho Land Board.  He wants the land board to stop purchasing commercial property that competes with business owners. (state does not pay taxes)  Land board duty is to manage endowment lands.
He being a life long Idahoan, graduate of U of I, served our country in Vietnam receiving the Bronze Star and has continued to serve the people of Idaho as a State Representative and now to Serve as Secretary of State .
Vote for Lawerence Denney Secretary of State on Nov. 4
Shorty & Marge Arnzen

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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