Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review!!
A quick comment here before delving into the topics chosen for this week's review! Without attempting a technical definition yet, hopefully to come some time in the near future, the reason for choosing the "Red Neck" title is quite simple. The term is usually reserved for old-fashioned, thought to be out-of-date hard core old codgers who some how are totally out of sync with modern times. Well, when it comes to honest opinions held by myself on many current topics, that description probably fits me very well! So for the time being we will leave it with that!
For starters, lets examine a statement often made by historians and history teachers, that being my major in college and one of my chief interests over the years. "You have to know the past to understand the present in order to predict the future." It is this old saying that prompts me to comment on matters of current interest as I have done the past few weeks, and will continue to do in the future. And if those comments label me a "Red Neck," then so be it!
Final word on SB 1067. Recent press releases tell us that Gov Otter has called a special session to attempt to pass the international agreement designed to assist in the task of locating dead beat non-payers of child support who escaped over seas. Because of the "free" federal money involved, and massive pressure being exerted, odds are heavy that the decision will be reversed, and Idaho will agree to cooperate. Hopefully, the decision will come only after data noting how many non-payers are involved, and why it should need a figure like $36 million to do the job. One suspects that it is another expensive federal program, financed by more federal debt, adding of course to our huge annual deficits and $19 trillion dollar deficit. And I have to ask, is federal debt not like personal debt which any old red neck knows must be paid down or at least serviced in the future? I guess we just let our kids worry about  that!!
Another item that sticks in my craw, and nearly causes me to gag! On occasion a TV ad comes on during intermission of one of our favorite programs, with sad music and woeful-eyed animals that have been abused or left homeless. The music alone is enough to cause tears to come to one's eyes. The plea is that viewers of the ad might shell out a few bucks or take into their care one of the neglected and sad-eyed victims of human neglect.
Well, personally it seems to me a tragic thing when an animal, pet or otherwise, is abused or neglected. And I have no sympathy for the owners of horses for example, who leave them in starvation pastures until their ribs stick out. But... How out of whack has our culture become when you never, I say NEVER, see any lament on TV about the children who are forcefully removed from their mother's womb. We are told the figure now approximates 60 million. Sixty million abortions, performed one at a time, where the most innocent and defenseless little human beings are ripped away from their mother and a chance to live, by chemical injection, forceps, or now and then by the barbaric techniques used in partial-birth abortion. Red Necks like myself cringe at the thought and have to ask, how can we have become so numbed by that reality that we have not risen up in angry rebellion? Why I have to ask????
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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