Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review!!
Wow! New concerns come at us every day like tsunamis after an ocean earthquake! For example! Shortly after discussing Kirsten Power's THE SILENCING in last weeks Review, a similar comment appeared in George Will's column in the Lewiston Tribune. George who has been blasted by Power's ILLIBERALS on several occasions in the past, literally led with his chin again by citing Power's book and noting several more examples of the illiberal strategy of avoiding debate but blasting individuals who dare to disagree with them. Some of the language used in their attacks will not be quoted here, not at all appropriate for general consumption! But one hopes that their tactics will be their undoing as more people become aware of them!
But enough of that, and the controversy over SB 1067 which is still in Limbo until all 50 states agree to its international requirements! It is my opinion that treaty is going to hit some serious snags before getting the approval of all 50 states!
And new threats arise daily! It is coming to light that a current government program providing sanction for refugees is placing hundreds of foreigners in towns and cities around the country. Oftentimes the individuals are accepted by churches who are the first to come to their aid. A problem, or maybe a danger? A significant number of the "refugees" are from Middle East countries which are primarily Muslim, and which practice Sharia law! Though most of the programs are located in large cities, recent information claims that such a group has now been placed in Idaho, my source says New Plymouth! No more for now, but recall the ILLIBERAL tirade against senator Nuxoll who had the "gall," but I say the courage to cite the danger of Sharia Law in her opposition to SB1067! Whether the danger is real or not, an honest discussion of the issue is worthwhile, and not deserving of illiberal kinds of vicious attacks!
Oh yes! Give this matter some thought! Recently in the news was mentioned a "Clean Water Bill" being considered by our federal government! SB1140, is its title in the U.S. Senate. This bill, nearly 300 pages long, has in it language which could potentially give the administration control over bodies of water not much bigger than mud puddles! Farmers in the know are seriously concerned about the potential loss of decision making over ponds and creeks on their land! But more on this later!
Hey! In view of the threats from within and outside our country, one might ask what individuals could do to help solve problems. I was struck with this question as I went to three graduation exercises this past week, involving four of my own grandkids, and scores of children of former students of mine. I thought of the world our generation is leaving these bright and enthusiastic youngsters about to launch out in today's world!!
My answer to the question above! Since sources say that 80% of our nation is Christian of some kind, and 90% believe in the Bible in some way, why not resort to the most powerful method of all? PRAYER! For Catholics, maybe attend the rosary crusade this coming Saturday, in St. Mary's parking lot, June 13th, at noon. And others, (welcomed also at St. Mary's) who believe in the Bible, maybe a prayer of your own! All prayers are powerful! History and Bible accounts have proved this in the past! So why not seriously resort to it now???
Jake Wren

Dear Editor
I see health insurance rates are going up dramatically. Let's see. The government forces insurance companies to cover everyone regardless of pre-existing conditions or the ability to pay and rates go up. Who would ever have thought of that? 
Lucky Brandt 

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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