Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review!!
Some odds and ends clean up here! Back in April, in the very first REVIEW, an explanation was given for the title RED NECK REVIEW! The title "Let Freedom Ring", used in the 1980's, was no longer available, since now associated with Fox's "Sean Hannity" hour. Later it was suggested, that the term is often reserved "for out of date, old fashioned codgers" who tend to be "out of sync with modern times." Maybe true, but if a more up to date definition is desired, type RED NECK into a computer search engine! Wow! I wonder how many of those might apply to this column!
Anyway, thinking back to last week's final paragraph, the one suggesting our country might resort to prayer in response to the tidal wave of new regulations coming our way, and the claim that Christians make up to 80% of our population, and 90% plus claim to believe in the Bible. Assuming this is true, amazing results could follow from an all out prayer effort on the part of our U.S. citizens!
I guess one might wonder if prayer is a thing of the past, out dated and used only by old "red necks", or is it still a powerful tool used today by people of all ages!
Well, some good news related to this. Saturday, June 13, 45 local citizens gathered at noon for a prayer session in the parking lot of St. Mary's church. The purpose? That the good Lord guide the Supreme Court in the matter of a state's right to ban homosexual marriages.  Admitting that some think that such a ban is old fashioned, it makes sense to me that the very idea of two people of the same sex getting "married" is very ridiculous. I am not saying that two such people cannot be close friends, or that they cannot live together! Just that all history records that "marriage" is limited to males with females bringing children into the world and raising them to a self-sufficient age!
The kind of union which is natural through out the animal kingdom! And the type of bond which has characterized the past for thousands of years! So, good Lord, guide the high court in preserving this time-honored state and reject the modern and I would claim the ILLIBERAL effort to change the very definition of the word! That is my prayer, and I urge you to make it yours!
One final thing! In the 2/10/83 issue of the "Let Freedom Ring" article in the Chronicle, a look at the power of the individual was featured. The reader was reminded of a giant tug-of-war that had taken place shortly before between students at Prairie during half time of the Powder Puff football game played that year. Frosh and seniors on one side pitted against sophs and juniors on the other, each side straining with effort..., to no avail! With the heavy rope threatening to break, an obvious stale mate had been reached!
But wait! A late arriving senior grabbed onto his end of the rope, slowly the tide turned, with the opposition dragged reluctantly over the decision line! A lesson learned??!!! In our daily struggle between the forces of freedom and of regimentation on the one hand, and time-honored traditions and radical new proposals on the other, it might well be that one more person could turn the tide! Could that "one person" be you or me??
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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