Raspberry Festival is a family festival
The Historical Museum at St. Gertrude's annual fundraiser, Raspberry Festival, was a robust day of shared summer celebration. Scores of friends joined the sisters, volunteers, and employees in a day of activities that included an arts and crafts fair, quilt show, fun run and walk, kids' carnival, car show, live music, raspberry shortcake and lemonade, grilled hamburgers, and more.
The day began at 8:00 am with the Raspberry Festival Fun Run & Walk. Runners and walkers turned out from across the Camas Prairie and as far away as Maryland, California, and Colorado. Highlights included Jenny Arnzen's 27:52 minute, first place, all-around finish of the 5K run; Bryan Crowl's 37:05 minute, first place, all-around finish of the 10K run; and the amazing youth participation. Also participating in the event were Sister Janet Barnard and family members.
The Raspberry Festival Quilt Show featured the Quilts of Valor, quilts created to honor local veterans. Shirley Baerlocher received the Judges' Choice for her Quilt of Valor. A table runner by Donna Giroth and Carolyn Waits also received Judges' Choice and a quilt by Mary Flurry received both Judges' Choice and People's Choice.
Music filled the air with live performances by the Northwest Nazarene Choir and Dave McCray from Spokane. DJ Bruce Nuxoll, Sister Mary Geis' nephew, also provided vibrant music for festival-goers. 
Sister Carlotta Maria Fontes once again led the kids' carnival with many games that featured prizes and tests of skill. Sister Cynthia Schultz, a registered nurse, oversaw health and safety. Other sisters served up raspberry lemonade, welcomed guests, sold raffle tickets, and led chapel tours. Learn more about the Benedictine Sisters of Idaho at www.StGertrudes.org.

Raspberry girls Chloe Rowland and Halle Klapprich are shown with Sr. Teresa Jackson.

The Monastery’s  Raspberry products booth at which you could buy the popular raspberry jam and raspberry wine.

Twinkie the Clown doubled as a body artist, painting temporary tattoos on some of the younger set.

Mark and Stacie Anderson’s daughter poses with the alpacas at the Raspberry Festival.

The Northwest Nazarene College choir entertained at the Raspberry Festival Sunday morning.

There were numerous craft vendors selling their wares at the Raspberry Festival.

The Raspberry Festival Show and Shine returned after a hiatus with several beautifully restored vintage vehicles at the farmhouse across the road from the museum. The 46 Coupe, second from left in the upper photo, had a beautiful painting of a P-38 bomber on the trunk.

This vintage Sun Valley edition Ford seems to have something hanging on the driver’s side window. See below.

It turns out they were set up to look like they had stopped at a vintage A & W Root Beer drive-in. The vintage window tray is shown with “Papa Beer,” 
“Mama Beer” and “Baby Beer” sized mugs with actual root beer inside of them.

Mary Flurry's quilt won both Judges' Choice and People's Choice. Photo by Theresa Henson.

One of the Quilts of Valor on display at the Raspberry Festival Quilt Show.

A quilt on display at the Raspberry Festival Quilt Show depicting Idaho wildlife.

A couple of the Quilts of Valor at the Raspberry Festival Quilt Show.

Raspberry Festival Fun Run & Walk participants get ready for the race. Photo by Theresa Henson.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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