Tentative budget approved
The Cottonwood City Council tentatively approved the amended budget for FY2015 and the proposed budget for FY2016 at their regular August meeting Monday, August 10.
The council also approved the audit reports for FY2013 and FY2014. The auditor reported they had reviewed everything and found no discrepancies or errors.
In other business the city approved a water hookup connection. Details of the connection will be worked out later as it is for the two private dwellings to the south of the BLM offices. The request was to hook into the new water main that would be supplying city water to the new BLM offices once they are built.
The cell tower lease was brought up but no action was taken as the city is having a tough time getting any information as to whether American Tower and Verizon actually have a working relationship. City clerk Carol Altman has been getting the runaround from American Tower on the issue.
In the reports Pat Holthaus reported they pumped 8.3 million gallons of water and sold 7.8 million. After the portion that could be accounted for they came up with a 5.2% loss. There apparently was a leak that was worked on during the month.
The sewer department had no report.
Jack Duman reported the chip sealing and fill and patching of potholes is done. Duman reported the chip sealing went very well and came in on budget. The blade patching work looks good as well.
Shelli Schumacher reported they are just working on some final details before the hall renovation work starts in September.
Ron Grant reported they had no fire calls this past month. He reported their air packs are outdated and new parts are unavailable. He said the company that repairs them knew this was coming and has a good stockpile of parts. Grant also said Lewiston recently got a grant for new airpacks and would have 45 or so of their current ones being surplussed. Theirs are a step newer than Cottonwoods and still being serviced. He plans to put in a request for some of the Lewiston’s surplus packs.
In the police report the raccoon problem came up. Police Chief Terry Cochran said that may have sorted itself out after Monday’s storm. The raccoons like to use the storm drains as a highway and the storm may have washed them away.
The council adjourned to an executive session at 8:18 p.m.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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