Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review
No. 29 11/915
Perhaps this is as good a time as ever to review some of the topics of earlier RNR's! Frederik Bastiat in his book, THE LAW, asserted that government's which take by force from one who earns it, and gives to another who has not, cannot survive! In the beginning he argues that a small amount is taken, PLUNDERED, legally, in the sense that it is done by government, from many and given to only a few, but that eventually the plundered people demand to be on the receiving end. Thus, government is forced to find more folks to plunder... eventually forcing the need to borrow heavily, and pass the burden on to future generations. Thus, could this LEGAL PLUNDER be a cause of our 18.5 trillion dollar debt today?
Recall also that Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history teacher in 1787, argued that: " A democracy is always temporary in nature: it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government." He concludes that eventually..."voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." So they "vote for the candidate who promises the most benefits...with the result that the government will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy..." Another reason perhaps for our huge debt?!
And remember also that Tyler said that the average life time of a nation is about 200 years, during which it goes through a shortened cycle of bondage to freedom to abundance to dependency back to bondage. Hey! Do we see signs of this today?
And thinking of the constant accounts of fraud in government programs today, we are reminded of Davy Crockett's NOT YOURS TO GIVE lesson driven home to him by constituent Horatio Bunce, who argued eloquently that government has no right to give charity to anyone out of the public treasury. Such gifts will always involve special cases, and often result in a REVERSE ROBIN HOOD EFFECT, in the sense that often the receiver of the gift is better off than many of the tax payers who foot the bill! Does this remind anyone of large grants of federal money to well-off people today?
Now, consider conditions today! Around the world and definitely in our own country, the prevailing economic theory is that of Keynes who argued that governments and their national banks are responsible for solving all economic problems. Simple!!! When downturns threaten, simply use government policies, grants, taxes, etc., and FED control of interest and debt to spur struggling economies! And has not the $10 trillion new debt accumulated the last decade or so spurred on our stock market?
And what about the thousands of pages of new regulations handed down by our own government: affecting education, health care, the environment, abortion, marriage,... you name it! Does this not send a clear signal that our government and others in the world agree with the socialist idea, that governments know best?
Finally, think of the difference between socialism's conviction that it is the duty of government to care for its citizens, almost from cradle to grave, with the conviction of Og Mandino, that every life is a miracle, and that the individual has an amazing ability to care for himself if challenged and expected to do so! Is not this notion the one that prevailed during the early years of our history when America established an unprecedented record of freedom and abundance? Hmmm! I wonder!!!!
Jake Wren 

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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