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Every year Santa Claus lets us share some of our local school children’s Letters to Santa.

The group below are from Mrs. Julie Schumacher’s 1st Grade at Prairie Elementary

Dear Santa,
How or yoo doing? I hope yoo or doing gud. For Crismis I wont a toon pupeey and for Crismis I wot a Olof bed and a noow sled.
Love Avery

Dear Santa,
Does Misis Clos come with you? I whant a nerf gun! I whunt a dog! O just whont my mom to be hapy.
Love, Steel

Dear Santa,
How are youer rander? For Crsmis I would like a romot contct motch rtruck and a trackter with a plow, and a truck.
Love, John

Dear Santa,
Thak you for giving us a presis to pepl. All I wot for crismic is fretfres and brebes popup capr.
Love, Miah

Dear Santa,
How or yow rader? What I wont for crisms is thre gifts. It is cors.
Love, Daniel

Dear Santa,
I hop yue urr felenw gud. And I wud  a peashaa peano and a merucinddol and a dragin far my brudr.
Love, Ella

Dear Santa,
Dus Mrs clos gow whith yoo on Crims? I whon a gutor.
Love, Ashton

Dear Santa,
How are yre Rinder dowing? How are you dowing? All I wunt for Cristmas is a cute vadr and hilcoptr with mocintrol.
Love, Ryder
green tadlit!

Dear Santa,
Is Mrs clos ok? Can I have rubr hors that gleos and a robo dog and a brasleit that gleos?
Love, Maggie

Dear Santa,
How is Mis clos doing. I bet she is fine. So, I wood like eny toy and maby sum pantse.
Love, George

Dear Santa,
How is Rodof? Your are the best. I whont a Aumerican girl doll and a babby Annubell and Flat Stanly books.
Love, Erica

Dear Santa,
How much gifts did I get? Ar you feele well? How is Mrs closs dong? Dus Mrs closs ride with you?
Love, Olivia U. 

Dear Santa,
Thank you for all those toyc last year. What I want for Chrismas is a nerf fun and a mini rufrigierater.
Love, Kade

Cindy Schumacher's First Grade
Please enjoy their "phonetically" spelled Santa letters.

Dear Santa,
How do your randeer fly? Can you tell me how you fly?
Is your sla all fixt up?  Are all your elfs fine?  Are you fine?  Is Mrs. Clos fine?  Are your randeer fine?
Is evrythang all right?  How do you fly?  Do any elfs go?  Is your suit rilly red?  You are very nice.  Hopeyou have a good trip.
Henry Lustig

Dear Santa.
Haw gud are you douing?  Am on I the naughty list?  I like win yuer elf comes.  What is yer names for yer elfs?  I love you Santa.  How do you get toys in the bag?
1.  mabe a Biscit Book?
2.  mabe a pac of Lopsey Girls?
3  mabe a union?
4.  mabe a baby pegasus?
5.  mabe a snoman?
6.  nabe a picture?
I  hope you have a gud Crismus.
Lillianne Lustig

Dear Santa,
Were is yer randDare?  Santa wut I wunt is a horse set.  
I hope are Dear Santa and Misus Claus are good.  I wunt a kindle.  Dear Santa dos Misus Claus make good cookees?
You are grate Santa.
Liilian Rehder

Dear Santa,
What are yur randers names?  I wood like a barbe hous and a little pupee for Samantha.  How will you get thru my stov when the stov is hot and fire?  How is Misis Clos duen?  We are giving Santa cucees.  I hope you like them.  Watch our for Chainsaw, my dog.  I hope you hav a good nite.
Evelyn Gehring

Dear Santa,
Is your favrite  culr red?  Haow do you get to all those houses in one nite?
Wut are sum of the Elf names?  Haow do you get all the toys redy for Chrismis?  I hope you Have a safe ride?  Haow do the randyr fly?  I woud like a locket with a picher of my Mom and Dad in it.  Mary Chrismnis!  I will Mis you!  
Halee Rowland

Der Santa,
Haw mane elves do you have?  Your sled is very shiney.  Santa how do you come in my house?  Is RooDof real?  Santa I would like a tablit and a fone and a babe puppy.  Thank you for giving me gifts.  Tell Mrs. Claus I said Hi.
Shayla Kirsch

Dear Santa,
Haw old are you?  Whats your Favrit Food to eat?  For Crismis if you can plese give me a Pokit Nife. Thank you.  If you kan give me that.  Hows Miscis Klos?  Is she doing gud?  I hop your flite is gud.  I hope your Elfs are doing gud.  Are your render doing gud?
Kane McIntire

Dear Santa,
Do you have a Elf named Jingle?  Thats wut we named the Elf you gave us.  And wut do the randeers lic to eet and also how is Misis Clos?
Ho ho ho.  I luv you lick yer hat.  We made Crismus ornamets that looc like a heart, a bell, a tree, and jinjer bread boy.  Wut I would plese like is a pink dall.  I hope you have a nis trip.  
Joey Mader

Dear Santa,
I hop you have a grat Chrismus.  Haw is Mis Clos?  
I hop she has a Mere Crismus.  How is the randers?  I hop the rander hav a mere crismus.  Where do you put the slae?  I bet the slae is big.  
I bet you can fit a lots of presens in the slae.  Dear Santa,  wut I wont  is a par of binoculars.  Dear Santa I hop you have a grat crismus.
Lane Mader

Dear Santa,
Hows Mrs. Clos?  I wunt a movie about Arthur.  I want #2.  I wunt one of your elfs to come to my house when they are done working.
I wish you a merry crismus.  I wunt a iPad with a chargr.  Can you send me a letter book?   I wish I had milk.  By Santa.
Tucker Nesmith

Dear Santa,
What is your favrit culr?  How do y ou get toys to efry kid?  What are sume uv your elfs names?  Do you hav a favrit ranbdeer?  I wod like a per uv roller scats.  I hop you hav a gra time.  I like you.  I like wun you cum to town. 
Do you like to give gits to kids? I like your randeers.  Mery Chrismis.
Devon Schultz

Dear Santa,
I hop the Elfs are cleaning and helping and all The Elfs are nise.  Santa, my Elf Snowbol wuz in the Shawer!  Snowflac is my pet from Santa./
I will giv randeer food.  I like the footprints on the roof.  I bet my Elf is still at our haws.
Kennedy Riener

Dear Santa,
Why d you come for Christmas?  Will you eat our cooies?  Will you drink our milk?  I like you.  You arevery nice to people.  You are very nice to kids, too.  Please can  you bring me a doll?  The American kind.  I would like a basketball.  Please may I hava a new teddy bear. 
I hope youget your favite cookie.
Camilla Andersen

Dear Santa,
How do your randir fliy?  How do you not get sick from all thos cooes?
Where do you go when we don,t have a chiminee?  How do yo u fill all the toys in your bag?  What are some of yo ur Elfs names?  If you want you cood get a ball for my dog.  I hop you hav a good Christmis.
Aubree Geis

Dear Santa,
How do you fill all the presints in  your bag?  How can you go all arownd the world?  Why do you give presints?  Can I have a V. reader?  I have 9 people in my famule.  We get spoiled frum our parints.  I hop your elfs get a good sleep.  I hop yupu have a good time.
Ammon Pikus

Dear Santa,
I want to know how the rander are so fast?  Wut are sum uv your elf names?  
I know wun Froste.  How do you git in housis win thay dont hav a chimne?
I want to know how you get to all of the kids?  Is Misis Clas baking lots of cucees?  Wut is  your best rander?  Wut do you lick most about Chrismis.
I want sum clothes for my elf.  I hop you hav a nice fli.
Payton Stamper

Dear Santa,
Wy do you ride at nit?  How is Ruudof?  How are you doing?  How is the Elfs?
How is Mis Clos?  Can you bring me a Hart?  I hop you have a good flit.
Gabe DeCaria

Dear Santa,
Why do you cum when it is wintr?  How is Rudolf?  Why do you only fly when it is dark?  Ples  can y ou bring me any present you want?  I hope you have a good day.
Damian Cronan

This next group came from Miss Long’s Kindergarten classes at Prairie Elementary:

Dear Santa, 
I want a toy gun for cristmas. I want a motcuntrle car. I was a pack of cars. I want a motcuntrle dunisor. I want a lego set. I want a new bike. I want a iPad. 
From Damien Lee Kitchen 

Dear Santa, 
for Christmas I want A toy pony and a chrismas Dress and chrismas pant and chrimas shoes. How are you doing. I want my dog for chrismas to get dog dishes. 
From Alaina DeCaria 

Dear Santa,
The moive Jurassic wold. a toy truck. a toy spaceship. a toy care. prity odaments. a toy dinisor. a Jurassic wold truck. a box. 
From Onyx Lish 

Dear Santa, 
Can I have snowbord, and a toy snow man, and sled, and chismas, and a talking minyin, and a tablet. 
From Weslee Matalamaki

Dear Santa, 
How is Roudoff doing? 
a toy truk
a box of horses. 
a stufft puppy.
a stuft roudoff 
an Ipode
A stufft santa 
and a stufft kangaroo 
a horse sled 
a hanes. 
From Malachi Graham-Pile

Dear Santa, 
How are you dooing?
care set 
ringingogo bok 
a tow snak 
From Nels Elven 

Dear Santa, 
for Christmas I would like a sparky ordament and a robot car a toy, snake frozen pjs, lucy doll. 
Love Sherian Ousnamer 

Dear Santa, 
I want a wele cat and pupe and a wele macup set and a wele fan olof pops his hed opin a wele ipod and a wele ipad a play horse. 
Love Beka Schumacher 

Dear Santa, 
I want a excevader toy gun toy swort a ariplain big legos candy canes and a toy tree. 
Love Monte McKague 

Dear Santa, 
roodof, pencile, fower for my hair and a stuffed kangaroo. Also I want stuffed star. 
Love Marji Remacle 

Dear Santa, 
Cat toy for my cat. Pare of net fons. Toy pig. Peresit from my dad. Pusle. Elf. Mercrs. Toy mucee. Blull pin brasleit. Toy brd. Blulln. Flags. Toy zeebue. Yorn. Toy tree. Toy trtle. Har instashin. Toy candeecan. 
Love Lexi Crea 

Dear Santa, 
I wunt a mostertuck. I wunt tow pupy. A pet rebbit. A pokymonall pokyman. a baltll heals. Snowbos. 
Love Stetson Smith 

Dear Santa, 
I wot horse stuff. I wont Eella stuff. 
From Mia Anderson 

Dear Santa, 
a spunjbob toy and a pupy. 
Love Nathan Hazlewood 

Dear Santa, 
I want a lunch box and I want a bouncey ball and a beach ball and I want a pear of jeans and I want three tenis rackits and a robot dog. Christmas santa a toy snake I thank you for all those toys last year and elsa Elf of the shelf. Roodof frosty the snowman new princess shoes one-more beach ball a tablet a little pony set. 
Love Shyann Lee 

Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like a soccer ball, dirt bike, Robot, 100 candys, IPod, TV, puppy,  Elf on the shelf, new backpack, hiding spot, big ginger bread house, robot bed, bed bar, robot monky, kid kinchen and new jackets. 
Love Reagan Brannan 

Dear Santa, 
Santa many reaideer do you have? 100 pieces of candy, a moter baby, 5 pigs, 4 stuffed puppies, a big gingerbreak house. 
Love Zoey Behler 

Dear Santa, 
I want a 4-weler, snow board, tv horse, and a hundred peces of candy, durt bike, lunch box, real snowman, pet monkey, robot bed, ipod, robotdog. 
Love Wyatt Crea 

Dear Santa, 
How are you santa? I want American Girl dall and a big Barbie hed that I can do its make-up and hair. A stuffed anaimal that you can colr. Some more play doo. A lego set a sleeping bag. I like roodof the red nsed raindeer. 
Love Alli Rambo 

Dear Santa, 
a cascara, a truk that I can sit in, santa hor are the ranidear. a poptrol bed. A stuffe animal dog. a poptrol shirt, a rodof stuff animal. 
Love Kenly Forsmann 

Dear Santa, 
How are Comet and Cupid? I want a toy jeep, storm fly blanet stormfly shirt, stormfly sleeping. 
Love Carter Frei 

Dear Santa, 
I want a glow in the dark moble x. I want a soccer ball. I want a American girl doll. I  want a buty and the beast doll. I want adopbulls. I want a sinderelly doll. 
Love Avery Schacher 

Dear Santa, 
I want a Cinderella doll for Christmas. I also want a stuffed animal Cinderella. I want a bueaty and the beast dolls. I also want a stuffed prince that gose with the Cinderella doll. I also want a sleeping bueaty doll with the prince that gose with it. I also want a Frosty the snowman stuffed animal. I also want four candy canes that you can eat. I also want two studded elfs exackly like Budy. I also want a babydoll that’s names Emma. 
Love Emma Hinman 

Dear Santa, 
Whats your favarate color? What your favarate cooke? For Christmas I want kit the American girl doll and I was a big stuffed animal elsa. 
Love Mikayla Rowland 

Dear Santa, 
Can I have some games and a sled and a snowbord. 
From Ian Swift 

Dear Santa, 
brbe house, new bacpac, girl elf on the shelf, new boots, new tablit, scaf, table, clok, bed, lagos, tree, ice cream,  and a new siser. 
Love Zoey Roemer 

Dear Santa, 
I want lsa and ana and a botl. and a lsa dres and chismas Blon. 
Love Bekah Shears 

Dear Santa, 
How are you doing? I want a monster truk this moion trol. I want a bretend gun sniper bart gun. 
Love Johnathan Reed

Dear Santa, 
Can I have a cittin for Christmas. Can I have a cinderela dress for christmans and a babie with a baby and a phasapir and my baby sister is being good. 
Love Tori Shears 

Dear Santa, 
Dall, backpack, book, boots, blox, a hat, bloon, sisers, new shrt, a prtent pupy, a new cote, onbrela, a coloring book and colors. 
Love Blake Uhlenkott 

The next letters came from Mrs. Rehder’s Kindergarten class at Summit Academy.

Dear Santa,
Could you please bring me a kitchen set and an American doll?
Thank you!
Brianne Nuxoll

Dear Santa,
Could I have a new Christmas dress and art supplies? How are you and Mrs Claus?
Merry Christmas!
Catherine Beckman

Dear Santa,
Can I have some ballay supplies? How are you and Mrs Claus doing? I love you!
Madeline Wassmuth

Dear Santa,
I want an American girl doll and a real phone. How is Rudolph? Merry Christmas!
Cecilia Remacle

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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