Zumalt receives best of show
CIAA received 55 entries at their Spring Art Show, in addition they had 11 Auction items. 
Jackie Zumalt was awarded Best of Show for her oil “Gems of Light”. 
Norma Pfaff received all three, first, second and third place awards for the oil category. She received first for “Three Pals”, she received second and People’s Choice award for “Baby”. She received third place, People’s Choice, and Kids Choice awards for “Cat in a Tree”. 
Other first place awards went to Pearl Maxner for her drawing “Cherished”, Ed Jolly for his photograph “Cowdog”, Joyce Close for her acrylic “Stanley Basin”, Susie Barnett for her watercolor “Cyrus Doberman”, Connie McLeod for mixed media “Buffalo”, David Montgomery for his scrimshaw “H.M.S. Victory”. 
Second place awards went to Ester Wilson for her drawing “Mountain Man”, Ellamae Holes for her watercolor “Near Dixie”, Jackie Zumalt for her acrylic “Two Quail”, and Mark Anderson for his photograph “Cupcake”. Third place awards went to Joyce Close for acrylic “Red Harlen”, Jackie Zumalt for her watercolor “Tommy Robinson Pond”, and Jane Anderson for her drawing “Flowers in the Corner”. 
Merit Awards went to Pearl Maxner for her acrylic “Keep Your Ducks in a Row”, Mary Bakker for her oil “A Reflection of Grace in the Mist”, Susie Barnett for her watercolor “Cindy Cowdog”. 
The Gallery Award as well as a People’s Choice Award went to Ellamae Holes for her oil “Bend of the River”. 
Featured Artist, David Martin’s outstanding photographs received many compliments. 
Many thanks to our judge, Vikki Wayne and to all who joined CIAA in this show!

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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