School Board meets
Teacher contracts were approved pending passage of the levy at the April meeting of the school board Monday, April 18.
They are looking at a 2% increase across the board.
Anthony Karel was approved for hire as summer help. There were two applicants.
The date for the May board meeting was set for Tuesday, May 17 at 8 p.m.
A transfer from the general fund to the bus fund for bus depreciation in the amount of $27.252 was approved. This is money received from the state.
The updated Section 2 of the policy manual was approved with the recommended changes.
In the facilities report Superintendent Rene’ Forsmann said they have broken ground on the new bus garage/shop. The contract start March 1 and it is supposed to be finished by August 31.
The high school office renovation was done over Spring Break. The room was painted and electrical added. Cabinets from Pacific Cabinets should be ready by June.
The high school entry doors and old elementary gym outside doors were painted.
The handrails in the elementary gym and the stairway have had the corners rounded off as a safety measure.
They are still waiting on word about the Brownsfield cleanup grant for the old Elementary School.
In the administrative reports Forsmann said the first week of testing is done and is going well.
The Elementary concerts are set for Wednesday, May 18. Up through 4th grade will be at 1:30 p.m. with the 5th and 6th grade band and the choir set for 7 p.m.
She is working on the elementary schedule and student classroom placement for next year. There will be two 4th grade classes next year with Becky Higgins and Kristi Bruegeman as the teachers.
In her superintendent’s report she noted that passing the levy would pay for an estimated 20% increase in insurance costs, new textbooks for language arts and math and continued support at the current levels for sports and classroom activities such as field trips and BPA, FFA, HOSA, Knowledge Bowl and Music.
The Elementary staff will be training on a new math curriculum  as well as on a new language arts curriculum. These new curricula will bring them in line with what is being done at the high school.
She also reported that she, Ryan Hasselstrom and Jake Forsmann met with CEDA to talk about possible options for grants to resurface the track. She worked on a Tribal Grant for $10,000 that was submitted last Friday.
Carrie Nygaard reported that Abbie Uhlenkott took first place in accounting at the BPA state competition and will be traveling to Boston for Nationals.
As reported elsewhere in this week’s Chronicle, 4 students placed in the top 4 at the HOSA state competitions, two in the top 3 and have qualified for nationals. The two 4th place finishers are alternates in case one of the top 3 decides not to go.
Juniors are planning a college trip to the U of I on May 6.
The Jr./Sr. High School music concert will be Thursday, May 12 at 7 p.m.
Prom is set for this Saturday, April 23. Pictures are at 7 p.m. with the Grand March to start at 8 p.m.
Testing has been going well with ASPIRE to the sophomores on April 11, SAT to the juniors on April 12 and ISAT/SBAC having started with the 7th grade on April 12.
The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. The next meeting, as stated earlier, will be Tuesday, May 17 at 8 p.m.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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