Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review
No. 67 9/1/2016
Well, they are over! Both the RNC last week and the DNC this week. Both parties have selected their candidates for president and vp, and so the head-to-head battle begins! If the recent primaries are any indication, the next months until election day in November are going to be filled with wild claims, distorted positions, and numerous accusations relating to the ability or character of the opponent!
What's a person to believe anyway? Donald Trump obviously is not a press favorite, as over and over the daily press has poked fun at him in cartoons, blasted him in one editorial after another, questioned his financial status, and charged him with bias towards women, the poor and disabled, immigrants, and a host of others. But all, friend and foe alike, have to admit that he is definitely not part of the current ruling establishment in Washington D.C.!
And Hillary? What is one to think about this long-termed politician whose career goes back to Arkansas and before, and whose entire life has been involved in government positions of one kind or another, now extending over several decades up to this time!
Well, I claim here that one can detect definite differences between the two candidates On the one hand, you have an individual who clearly believes in an expanded role for government in all aspects of life. Taking a cue from primary opponent Sanders, she calls for free higher education, more comprehensive health care, and a general leveling of the status of citizens by higher taxes on the wealthy, and more handouts for the poor and disadvantaged. Hillary expressed no concern during the convention for the threat posed on us by Isis, and radical Muslims who are slipping into our country under our wide-open borders. She makes it quite clear that our 2nd Amendment gun rights have to go, as a way to put a damper on the many mass murders going on around the country today. As a recognized defender of "woman's rights," she is an uncompromising backer of a woman's "Right to choose" an abortion as a means of population control, and of Planned Parenthood as the agency which is dedicated to that purpose. She favors the distortion of "marriage" allowing same sex partners to wed. She has also asserted boldly that the education of children can not be left to parents alone!
On the other side you have Donald! Not clear where he stands on all issues, he definitely is concerned about our open borders and the threats related to them. He has already agreed to a list of 11 conservative judges to fill the vacated spot on the Supreme Court left by the death of the very conservative Scalia. He has pledged to remove government regulations restricting church comments on moral issues, and on businesses forced to serve customers violating their basic beliefs. He agrees with the NRA on 2nd Amendment rights, and he has a reputation for tackling tackle problems head on, to bring jobs and businesses back to this country, and to take a new look at certain trade agreements and treaties that are unfavorable to the United States.
Yes, a voter does have a clear choice this fall. Remembering the statement quoted in one of the earliest RNReviews, that "You have to know the past to understand the present and to predict the future," or the even more famous, "Those who don't learn from the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them," a voter concerned about our future and reviewing the past history of socialist nations like Germany, Russia, Cuba, and more recently Venezuela will have no trouble knowing how to vote! And remember! Every vote counts!!!
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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