Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review
No. 80 10/31/2016
Finally! Election day is now about one week away, and the frantic campaigning and name calling will soon come to an end! Unless... we are hit with another Florida "hanging chad" controversy which delayed the actual decision on the electoral votes cast to 12/13/2000, a result which involved a decision of both the Florida Supreme Court and the Supreme Court of the United States in the Gore-Bush campaign, resulting in Bush's very narrow victory!
So what are some of the important considerations which can impact the results of this election? It is claimed here that several factors can and will determine the final outcome! 
1) How many voters will look to the past with the tremendous success our Constitutional system has had over the first years of our history, placing responsibility on the individual vs. the current socialist popularity of dependence on government for cradle to grave security?
2) What percentage of voters will stand firm on the protection of life before birth vs. the more modern notion that parental convenience outweighs the right to life of the most dependent and helpless unborn child. 
3) How many Americans will consider valuable our right to bear arms as guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment vs. those who erroneously believe that taking away private firearms will  somehow magically reduce random killings and murders.
4) The number of voters who are legitimately concerned about the make up of the Supreme Court, knowing that one candidate has pledged to nominate men with the mentality of our recent justice Scalia who steadfastly made decisions based on the Constitution vs. the other candidate who publically ignores the Constitution and will appoint judges on the current wishes of the people, or perhaps more accurately, on the wishes of the people in power! This could well be the most important result of this year's election, as the winner will have the opportunity to appoint anywhere from one to several current members, determining the Court's decisions for decades to come, and the very future of our United States.
5) Then there is the matter of the liberal press. Fortune magazine summarizes the opinion of a majority of studies in saying "Study after study has shown that the mainstream media leans left, and that an almost overwhelming fraction of journalists are liberal." Further research makes the same claim about the big TV stations, though the emergence of Fox News and some few other TV sites and talk radio stations suggest a resurgence of the conservative point of view. This is important, because the vast majority of voters depend on the popular TV news stations and the regular press, and are reluctant or even refuse to listen to contrary conservative news. This needs to be kept in mind when every tiny misstep in one candidate's behavior or speech makes headline news, whereas the sordid history of the other candidate tends to be minimized or ignored!
6) The same skepticism should be applied to the on going polls which constantly project who will win in the elections next week! The majority of polls today put Clinton ahead of Trump as much as 8-12%, yet a 10/22 poll by Investors Business Daily gives a 42-40% edge to Trump, a poll that will not appear normally in the daily press! Older folks like myself will never forget the last poll in the 1948 presidential contest between Tom Dewey and Harry Truman which put Dewey ahead by five points, causing the Chicago Tribune to publish the headline the next day, "Dewey wins!" only to have to quickly withdraw all those papers, showing the final results, Dewey - 45% and Truman - 50%, making Truman president!
One final thing! Research shows that Evangelical Protestants consistently vote Republican, while Catholics vote Democrat! Could it be that Catholics will determine this election? After all, the abortion issue alone should force Catholics away from a Democratic vote this year!! ?
Jake Wren

Letter to editor
("Appears like outside big money?") is making a big push to tarnish and ruin one of the best Sheriffs Idaho County has had.  For the last 8 years Doug Giddings experience and dedication to "The Folks" is what we need in a sheriff, he has and will stand for you when the feds push too hard. And their pushing more then we realize.  It would be a dirty shame to let lies and innuendos keep a good man from continuing serving as our sheriff.  Vote Doug Giddings Nov. 8
Margaret Arnzen

To the Editor
Doug Giddings is a constitutional sheriff and one of the best in the State of Idaho.  
Having been a senator for 6 years, I have dealt with Sheriff Giddings in my work.   Sheriff Giddings has testified at the Idaho State Capitol against EPA overreach on important issues.  He personally will defend you against anything that is unconstitutional, as many have witnessed in our County.   There is more than one business surviving because of Sheriff Giddings’ authority against tribal and EPA harassment.   
I have used Sheriff Giddings’ insight on the Senate floor in my debates to stand against sending state control of law enforcement over to federal control.   We are safer here in Idaho County because of our current sheriff.   We know that he supports our rights.   Can we really get any better? 
Please vote for Sheriff Giddings.
Sheryl Nuxoll

Raúl Labrador Endorses Sheriff Doug Giddings
Representative Raul Labrador last week endorsed Sheriff Doug Giddings for Idaho County Sheriff. In a statement, Labrador said:
"Sheriff Doug Giddings is one of Idaho's best sheriffs.  His commitment  to running a top notch department over the past 8 years proves he deserves another term in office.  Sheriff Giddings has demonstrated to the citizens of Idaho County that he’s the kind of conservative leader we need to keep in office.  He's invested his best efforts to train his deputies and staff to provide outstanding service and quality protection to the people in Idaho County and I'm proud to support him."

To the Editor
We’ve known Sheriff Doug Giddings for a number of years and we’ve always found him to be a man of integrity, competence and dedication!  We highly recommend that he be retained as Idaho County Sheriff.  
Charlotte and Don DeArmond

To the Editor
Pricilla Giddings, Republican, is running for State Representative for Idaho Dist. 7A.  She is a retired fighter pilot and seems to be a gutsy lady. I think she would do a great job. She is not afraid to tackle a challenge when faced with it. She has what it takes to make a good representative. Vote for Pricilla Giddings for State Representative.
Donna Wassmuth

To the Editor,
Unless you want a Sheriff like David Ward of Harney County, Oregon…who conspired with the FBI and Facilitated the murder of LaVoy Finnicum…vote for Doug Giddings.  He will keep the reigns on the Feds and will NOT allow them to run rampant over the citizens of Idaho County.  Had Ward been a sheriff like Doug Giddings, no one would have lost their lives and the whole matter would have been settled quietly and peacefully without making national headlines.
Betty Alm

Dear Editor
Idaho County Sheriff Carlos Martinez--------sounds really good to me! Integrity, Honesty, Leadership. Born and raised in Idaho County, he knows us and what we need from a sheriff. Cooperation and coordination with other local law enforcement agencies to better protect us and our Constitutional rights will top priority. Please give him your vote Nov. 8. Thanks
Lucky Brandt

Letter to the editor, 
Hats off to Idaho Senator Mike Crapo in his incredible courage in withdrawing his support for Donald Trump’s race for the White House. The Idaho County Republican Central Committee has done a grave disservice to the Republican Party and Democracy by trying to censor and silence the Senator.
Trump holds two GOP primary records - most votes for him at 13,300,420 and most votes against him at 15,284,155. The votes tallied against him  were only for Cruz, Kasich and Rubio. It does not include the other 13 challengers. So how did we end up with a presidential candidate who didn’t even receive 50% of the primary votes cast?
Senator Mike Crapo joins a growing list of more than 160 national republican leaders in declaring their refusal to support Trump. 
Trump has violated the established principles of governance by exploiting a weakness of Democracy, whipping up the passions of the crowd and shutting down reasoned deliberation. Trump has exploited prejudices and ignorance among the masses advocating violent actions to address national insecurities while accusing moderate and thoughtful opponents of weakness and disloyalty. Trump fits the term Demagogue to a tee. The label of a demagogue ties in with Trump’s narcissistic and erotic personality in which he is only interest in himself. History shows us that this kind of personality is usually destructive in office driven by unyielding, arrogance, self absorption and the need for power. 
With a personality like Trump’s, a bully who verbally and sexually assaults women (calling some women pigs and grabbing and fondling their breasts and genitalia without their permission), it’s beyond belief that he has made it this far in running for the highest office in America.
Now that Trump’s true personality is finally being vetted by the media (who were responsible for creating his candidacy in the first place), he cries that the system is rigged and against him.
Unreflective that his reputation with his lack of business ethics and lack of moral values has finally caught up with him, he continues to lash out at the system that has allowed him to thrive in the first place.
I’m wondering if in the distant future the word “Trump” will be added to the dictionary to describe a political con artist like the word Ponzi describes an investment scheme? 
Jim Reed
Hood River, Oregon 

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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