Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review
No. 98  - 3/6/2017
Last week's review closed with a claim that the news highlights daily a growing clash between individual freedom, and the growing reliance on big government solutions.
The more traditional belief in a creating and caring God, depended on by individuals given freedom and the responsibility for caring for themselves, seems to be gradually giving way to a conviction that mankind alone is able to care for themselves, and with the advances in science, modern economics, and big government, can and must deal with all problems and find all solutions with no need or reliance on a god of any kind.
In religion, the evolution from the belief in gods of all kinds in primitive times, up through the one God conviction associated with Christianity and later Islam, is moving slowly today towards the New Age mentality that each individual needs no outside god, and can decide for oneself what is right or wrong, desirable or not. Cut free from total dependence on an outside god, one can better understand the amazing growth of atheism around the world during the last century or so.
Along with this is the growing belief among many that big governments, armed with the latest advances in science, banking and economics, have the responsibility to tackle all problems, and solve them using the advancements that have been made. Along with this is the companion belief that single individuals in our modern and complex world lack the ability to handle the large challenges thrown at them.
Consider the topic of "global warming", now referred to as "climate change." One need only read the many articles and letters to editors to note the clash between the conviction that a God is in charge, with the unrelenting insistence that mankind is the cause and thus must find the solution to the claimed problem. This means big governments of course, or even a world wide United Nations must draw up the rules and police the decisions made necessary to slow down or halt the so-caused source of the problem, the use of nature provided fuels to power our automobiles and our factories. In turn, this means a severe decline in standards of living, especially in advanced countries, and a loss of individual freedom and threats of reprisal for individuals and countries who refuse to go along.
But does not common sense demand that we ask how it is even possible for puny humans to threaten existence on this planet by using resources which are there in ample supply to provide power, heat and light? Does it make sense that those resources should be ignored and left unused, however they got there in the first place?
And then of course, why do the champions of climate change ignore the thirty thousand plus scientists who signed the Kyoto Agreement challenge, claiming that there was no convincing evidence that man caused pollution was causing the climate change? Or ignore the hundreds of graphs available on a Google search showing changes in temperature have occurred regularly over the centuries? Or the claim by reputable scientists that sun activity and flare ups have more to do with temperature changes? Or the huge body of evidence provided in the book DARK WINTER by John Casey, that we are past the most recent warming cycle, and are now entering a period of falling temperatures which begins about now and continues to decline until around 2035? Or it might be asked, is there really a problem or is it just a ruse to consolidate more central power at the loss of freedom for the individual! A study of century old trends makes us definitely wonder!
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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