Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review!
No. 102 - 4/3/2017
How about you? Today when the news reports what is happening all around the world, and even in our country, I must admit that I am glad that I live in America and here in Idaho!
And frankly, it makes one wonder why our local area is different from the troubled spots we read about today. And of course to ask, will it stay so in the near and distant future?
These are thoughts which has have led me to discuss certain issues with the title RN101.To look at some of the basic beliefs which dominated our early history, right up to the mid1900's, and which provided the foundation on which our traditional way of life was built.
So in the last review, it was claimed that a 90% majority of the citizens here believed in one God, the Bible as a source of truth, the Ten Commandments, and the teachings of a Jesus Christ who stressed love of God and neighbor, and personal responsibility for one's conduct.
Carried over into government, and embodied in our Declaration of Independence, was the belief that governments were created by the people for the purpose of guaranteeing certain basic rights, and were subject to the wishes of the people at all levels, local, state, right up to the national level. The point is, that at every level, governments were expected to exercise only those powers given them by the people, powers which could be taken away at any time.
Now how would one expect these basic convictions to show up in an economic system? Here it is claimed that you must stray away from the current "politically correct" views on this topic! Bluntly, we claim here that God's economy, the God we profess to believe in, would definitely be Free Enterprise, often called capitalism. We hasten to add here, that the capitalism cited is not the ruthless dog-eat-dog type which has come to characterize it often in modern times.
Think about it! Traditional Christianity teaches that God has given each of us a mind and freewill, and we are expected to make decisions consistent with His laws and commandments. The free will given us is absolute. As such, God will not interfere even when one of His own decides to go astray and defy every law and commandment. And the Bible repeatedly states that one who defies God his creator can suffer "the fires of Gehenna" as a result! A very permanent condition of pain and suffering we are told! Ouch! Can anyone imagine a parent allowing a young child to choose death by deliberately jumping into a roaring river? No! At that point, the parent chooses to over rule the "free will" of the child whose actions are destructive! Why then would not God do the same? Refuse to allow one of his creatures to defy Him, and suffer eternal pain as a result? Simple! To do so would require interference with the free will given, and thus prove not to be free will at all! So, bottom line, we are either free or not!
Does this apply to economics? Simple! The Free Enterprise system is based on the belief that each of us is entitled to the freedom needed to care and provide for himself and family, and in most cases the talent to do so. So, one might ask, what would be the result, if a man chooses to refuse the effort necessary to care for oneself? Seems obvious that a clear freewill choice to do so would have obvious consequences! And the question is of course, should society step in and save that person from his own free will choices? To do so would be a total disaster! And it has been so when one studies the history of America the last few decades!
Maybe it should be asked: If God can allow a person to choose a permanent destiny of pain and disaster, should society not allow a person to suffer the consequences of his free choice?
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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