Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

To the Editor
Keeping the Opera House…the Opera House…
 “All the world’s a stage…” 
Most folks recognize that line of Shakespeare’s, but as an old English and drama teacher, I’d like to ask people to take a look at that quote from this perspective: If all the world is a stage, then performing scripts on a theater’s stage gives us opportunities to practice real-life situations…in safe, educational, and entertaining ways. I have had the pleasure of working with actors, singers, technicians, and stage managers in several high school and community theater groups over the last 25 years, and I am always amazed at the surge of effort and the level of joy achieved by so many people at curtain time. Cast members become family, communities are made proud, and everyone on both sides of the curtain is getting practice for how to handle life…and they are being whisked away for a momentary relief from their own problems.
Wouldn’t it be great if everything that was enriching and joyful and entertaining was free? Wouldn’t it be great, even, if the country’s coffers had enough money to comfortably support all aspects of life: health, defense, education, security, infrastructure, art? It appears that we citizens need to support the things that we wish to hang on to.
Around the U.S. are public centers (some non-profit, some not) for teaching and performing arts. Small as Kooskia is, it has an amazing one of those places. With a sound-enhancing wooden ceiling and lovely interior, The Old Opera House is a beautiful, nostalgic remnant of a less confusing time. But its future is up to those of us who are interested in keeping it going as a center for performing and fine arts. 
Currently, the Old Opera House Arts Committee is attempting to purchase the building to keep as a performance venue rather than have it sold to others who would remodel for another use. The group is working to gather the $200,000 by a June 1 deadline to purchase the building and get this irreplaceable theater back in operation. If you want to support the arts…consider buying a share of stock in the Old Opera House Corporation or make a donation.  Our contributions will make a resounding difference now and into the future.  Contact Gloria Taylor.  208-983-0314 or Cindy Lane at 208-816-8489
Cheryl Tousley
Lewiston, Idaho 

Redneck Review!
No. 105 - 4/24/2017
Folks, it is very difficult to understand!  Common sense and "relaxed  thinking" as has been discussed in the last couple of reviews seems to paint a very clear picture of the type of society and country all of us and all of humanity for that matter should prefer to enjoy!  
Take religion for example.  We are told that roughly one third of the world's 7 plus billion people are Christians of one denomination or another. And our own country's history clearly based on Christian principles has produced a climate of freedom and prosperity today that is clearly the envy of the world and the motive thousands have for attempting to come here, one way or the other, legal or illegal.  Please tell me then, how anyone would want or allow a system like Islam to replace us, with its casual destruction of anyone who refuses to buy into its system?  Yet, a careful study of what is happening in our country today proves that its teachings are seeping into our schools, are impacting decisions made by our courts, and are allowing communities to thrive and grow in many of our states today!  The question is, do we really want such an alien system to slowly take over and replace us?
The same question should be asked about our own free enterprise economy. This system, based on the teachings of Christianity, seems a bit harsh sometimes, as it operates under the assumption that each of us is a responsible, God fearing individual, who takes seriously his obligation to care for himself and his loved ones, to respect the rights of other individuals, and to look after, in charity, those unfortunate individuals who need help of some kind or another.  Government in this system has one basic duty, to create a level field so that each person has an equal chance to use his energy and talent to provide for himself, his family, and even to raise his standard of living and gain wealth by somehow meeting the needs and wants of his fellow citizens better than other competitors who are trying to do the same. So why would anyone who has enjoyed the system given us unparalleled wealth be willing to dump it all and substitute in its place the failed system of socialism?  One which promises that everyone should share alike what others have produced, with the help of a government that literally promotes a relaxed sitting back and enjoying the efforts of others?  It cannot work, it has never worked, both in the past and in recent history.  Why then are its advocates both 
here and around the world so powerful and so influential even among us?
A recent article in the March 2017 magazine Newsmax focuses clearly on a problem we have today. In an article written by Troy Anderson, he quotes  religious freedom advocate Johnnie Moore, investigating  the mass beheadings and crucifixions of Christians in the Middle East. There he met Sister Diana Momeka, who testified in Congress in May, 2015. He quotes her:"I love America...I have a doctor degree from an American university."  But what she said next stunned Moore: "You take care of your pets so well, so why are you so silent in the face of our genocide?"  Moore returned home to write a book:     DEFYING  ISIS: PRESERVINGCHRISIIANITY IN THE PLACE OF ITS BIRTH, AND IN YOUR OWN BACKYARD..
In his book he claims that terrorist genocide against Christians is "just part of a larger global assault on Christianity" a crisis that the world has largely ignored. "Over 100 million Christians suffered for their faith last year alone, and many of them paid the ultimate price."  Other points made by the author and the article: "Today, Christians are among the most persecuted...group in the world, believers in more than 60 nations face persecution from their governments simply because of their belief."  Also, "The flight of some 600,000 Christians from Syria since the war broke out there in 2012." And  we all know of the beheadings of 21 Christians in 2015! 
So, does it not seem that preserving Christianity is a critical task we all face today?
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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