Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review!
No. 106 - 5/1/2017
Hey!  It does not pay to sit back and think about things going on around us in our world today!  Looking back to last week's review for a moment, it makes no sense that our traditional religion, Christianity, which formed the basic culture of our nation, can be so recklessly pushed aside in the name of tolerance for other beliefs.
Sure, one wants to be kind and considerate to other beliefs, but should that consideration extend so far that it jeopardizes the very source of the good things we have in this country that makes us the envy of the world?  Common sense says, absolutely not!
Last week we cited several statements from the March 1 Newsmax magazine article with the title PERSECUTION OF CHRISTIANS A GLOBAL EPIDEMIC.  And from the same source, we offered a quotation or two from religious-freedom advocate Johnnie Moore's book DEFYING ISIS: PRESERVING CHRISTIANITY IN THE PLACE OF ITS BIRTH...
Today, from that same article and magazine we cite Mary Eberstadt, former speech writer to U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz and author of her book IT IS DANGEROUS TOBELIEVE:  "A new chapter has opened in the Western world in which people of faith, especially tradition-minded Christians, are on the receiving end of militant secularism."
She goes on to say, "Activists within progressivism and secularism are treating believers unjustly on a number of fronts... There are lots of details...about attacks on Christian education, Christian homeschooling, Christian charities, and other kinds of discrimination, that are the result of the new intolerance toward religious believers."
And we are constantly told of efforts to remove copies of the Ten Commandments, pictures or statues of the Crucified Christ, prayer in schools, even traditional Christmas and Easter ceremonies, and of course, even the "Under God" found in our Declaration!
Just what is going on here?  Why are not more of us irritated and indignant that the very source of all the good things we have come to associate with our way of life here in rural and traditional America is under serious attack?  Why would anyone want us to adopt other philosophies like Islam, socialism/Communism, etc., which have left for all to see a very brutal history of what life has been, is now, and would continue to be in the future if adopted here like so many casually want us to accept!
Oh yeh!  Lately our news has told us of the effort being made to teach our public schoolchildren the "facts of global warming or climate change."  All who question the politically correct view that it is a "settled science," are ridiculed as old-fashioned kooks!  Why, we were told last week that our world has increased "2 degrees in the past 100 years." All kinds of projected disasters are thrown in about New York's coast being flooded by a rising Atlantic, dead polar bears, etc.!   Well, I for one do not believe a 2 degree difference can be that significant.  Also, how do they get those figures anyway? Our local news reports current temperatures around this area almost always between record highs and lows from years ago!  Evidently, our part of the country in not included in the "world-wide-averages!"I know... an uniformed and ignorant question!  But, let's ask, just how are they compiled?
By the way, experts are saying even more often that the $4/oz price of silver in 2000, which is now about $17 is headed for $100, $200 or even higher relatively soon! Hmm!  I wonder!
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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