Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review!
No. 108 - 5/15/2017
Some things seem so simple!  Last week for example, we gave considerable time to two economic goals, efficiency and security.  It was argued here that sports teams, businesses, and even national economies must be efficient in order to be successful and survive in the long run.  But efficiency demands a seemingly ruthless selection of the most productive factors involved in any operation, and in the process, a "weeding out" of those which are less so or not productive at all.  Ouch!  Seems harsh, but in the long run, is it really?
Consider our own country for example.  History tells the story of ruggedly independent individuals who came here centuries ago, and with reliance primarily on their own initiative and effort, slowly carved out an America which became the envy of the world. True, there were set backs and mistakes, and at times, even starvation and death.  But the history tells no lie.  From that early effort has come a wealthy nation unparalleled in history for is unusual willingness to give assistance to the less fortunate, both here and around the world.
We need to face the historical facts, folks!  And it is worth repeating!  No other nation in the pages of history has come close to our record of caring for the less fortunate both here in ourown country and around the world!
Now why is this true, and why has it happened?  It is asserted here that it is a product of our early Christian culture coupled with a fiercely defended belief in individual freedom, personal responsibility, the free ownership of property, and freedom of enterprise!  And of course, the famous Commandment, "Love God and your neighbor as yourself" played an important part!
And the result?  So much wealth, that vast gifts of aid to the less fortunate are possible, not only by individuals who can now afford it, but by a government which has taken on the giving away of "charity" itself... taxed first of course from the productive citizens involved!
But what is happening in our time?  All around us are the envious ones who see this wealth, have no clue as how it got here, but are determined to rip it away from the producers, and hand it out with no questions asked, simply to provide the SECURITY for all that everyone would like to have.  Use government to mandate "Equal shares for all!"   Everyone "has theright" to equal education, equal health care, and equal standard of living!  Sounds great!
But, like argued last week and hinted above, it does not work!  Consider for historical proof the history of Venezuela, which from internet sources says "From the 1920s to the 1960s,Venezuela experienced an unprecedented era of economic prosperity...based on discovery of oil...skilled European labor...limited government..." making it "the most prosperous country in
Latin America, and... the country with the 4th highest per capita GDP in the world by 1950."
Now under 50 plus years of socialist governments, dedicated to giving away  this prosperity, consider the following taken from the May/June 2017 issue of the magazine Crusade: "Food Shortage...worsens... Since the death of socialist Chavez... and the takeover of Maduro...
Venezuela's collapsing economy has made it difficult to import basic goods like food and medicine...some 87%.. of the people are unable to buy food...have resorted to hunting dogs, cats, donkeys, anteaters, and even the protected pink flamingoes to stave off hunger... with a result in rising crime, blackouts, and widespread bloody protests against the socialist 
government."  Surprising?  Not so, when one stops to think about it!  So, by the way, why do our universities refuse to allow conservative speakers on campus like happened last week?
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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