Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

To the Editor
Dear Joan,
To answer your questions, NO, he is not our savior. Only Jesus Christ is our Savior. Sometimes God uses people as instruments to get a job done. NO, he should not be run out of town. We search for the truth and as American citizens we support our president, (No matter who is president.) when and where we can. There are many good, prayerful considerate people in Idaho County that have learned a long time ago that prayer is the best , most powerful weapon we have to foil the mainstream media agenda.
Bonnie Gehring
Editor’s Note: The above is a response to Joan Kopczynski’s letter in last week’s Chronicle.

To the Editor,
One reason I like President Trump so well, he keeps our elected officials in D.C. backstabbing and fighting amongst themselves so that they haven’t got time for We the People.
I guess that’s why the economy is so good.
Dick Forsman

Redneck Review!
No. 120 - 8/7/2017
The news one sees and hears today tends to baffle most older folks like myself! We are after all, living in the most coveted nation ever, with freedom and a standard of living that is envied by all. Proof? The number of immigrants who struggle to come here and live!
So one might ask, what is the cause of our country's reputation, and what has set us apart from the rest of the world?  Remember, we are a relative newcomer in our world!
The answer repeatedly asserted here, based on history and common sense, is the free enterprise system, and all of the philosophy which accompanies it!
So what does one see in then news today that puts folks like myself in that baffled state?
First, the continuing news reports flowing out of Venezuela.  Daily one hears that a state of near rebellion exists in the country.  The current president, Nicolas Maduro, continues to force on that nation the socialist system promoted there for years by Hugo Chavez, the former leader there from 1999 to 1913, and the leader of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, formed in 2007 from the merger of several other parties.
Currently, the Maduro presidency is attempting to rewrite the nation's constitution which will leave him a virtual dictator. The rioting which takes place daily threatens a potential civil war from the common people in the country who are literally starving under the regime of the last two socialists.  Review 108 in May, and several thereafter detailed this condition, noting at the time that the Venezuelans experienced "unprecedented economic prosperity" from the"1920's to the 1960's", making it "the most prosperous country in Latin America and the country with the 4th highest GDP in the world by 1950."  Is there not a lesson here for modern progressive Americans who struggle daily to bring that system to our own country?
Oh yes!  What about the struggle over a government "health care plan" today?  From the very beginning, was it not obvious that this was going to happen?  Obama Care, passed into law in 2010, mandated coverage for all, with cadillac type plans often forcing coverage unwanted and not needed. The law's hundreds of pages gave "free" or subsidized coverage to many, claiming to provide for all (though significant numbers still are "uninsured!"), fined those who refused to buy, and gave taxpayer subsidies to companies which bought into the plan.  Now we hear that costs have exploded so that many are hit with deductibles up to $7000. But hey! People have insurance!  Big deal! What good is it if a family cannot afford the deductible? And what about the growing number of companies dropping out of Obama Care coverage?
But wait!  Is there not a requirement that doctors and hospitals must treat individuals who come needing instant care, insurance or not?  What is really the more important?  The care, or being able to proudly proclaim, "We are insured!"  It is asserted here that the past system of care operated quite successfully, and did not require experts at the national level trying to provide a workable system that keeps everyone happy!  Impossible!  And the Republican party today is finding that any top down government plan is doomed to fail!  It will not work!  It is simply not possible to give everyone all the care they want at affordable costs! It makes about as much sense as guaranteeing that every individual should have the equal right to drive the best car, be it a Cadillac,  a  Ferrari, or an all wheel drive Hummer! But, lets face it folks, is that not really what the modern progressives and socialists want and are trying to do?  And do we really want to continue these socialist efforts to do the impossible? Are we really envious of Venezuela?                                                                                                                          
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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