Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review!
No. 131 - 10/23/17
Hey! A total surprise awaits those of you who labor through the first several lines of this RNR each week!  No hint as to the final topic discussed  here, but it will be a new venture, and will stray away from the normal, and dabble a bit in something which might even get a reaction completely out of the ordinary!  On occasion, rather serious differences of opinion have been generated by what is said here, some positive, some negative, and some rather blatantly suggesting that I lighten up, shorten up, or even dry up!  But this is no surprise, as all of us are different, have different beliefs, and, as has been said before here, "Where any two people get together, you will have a different opinion on any issue raised!"
It is boldly asserted again that differences and differences of opinion is a human condition, and an important fact that makes life more worth living!  Any time the topic has come up in the many class rooms I have been in during the past, it has quickly been agreed that a human race all alike would be a boring and obnoxious thing, especially if all those humans were like myself, the instructor!  Even a suggestion that this might be desirable quickly draws a bunch of "boo's," and a quick agreement that differences are desirable and make life more interesting!
But, do we all believe this?  One who notes the daily news clearly sees that there are some in our country today who cannot tolerate people with different points of view, and different ways of looking at things.  No more about this will be said here other than this, THAT THE LOSING SIDE in this past year's election is not willing to accept the fact that they have lost, and that leaders with a different point of view are now in charge.  The insidious and demeaning cartoons that are seen repeatedly in our daily paper, aimed at our Constitutionally elected president, speaks very loudly that some in our country do not recognize, nor will tolerate a different way of looking at the issues that arise!  If asked, would these folks dare to say that their way is the only way, and that all who disagree are wrong?  Would the world and our country really be a better place if every last person were to agree with those critics?  I THINK NOT!  It is a stubborn opinion here, that differences are healthy, BUT that respect for others who hold them is very obviously needed!
Before closing with the "surprise" paragraph, a look back at our last couple of reviews raises a question or two.  First, how much value should an individual place on those sources or people who claim to know what tomorrow brings?  Ever since the 1950s and '60s, old timers like myself have listened to predictions of disaster on the horizon. I must admit, that I myself have taken some of them very seriously.  For example, the computer geeks who warned that the turn of the century had the potential to foul up computer records everywhere, any which relied on dates to determine this, that or the other thing. Y-2-K, we were told could change records involving social security etc. back from 2001 to 1901, and cause massive errors in social security payments, birth records, and so on! Well, we lived through it, and seemingly the disaster thought possible was a false alarm!  And how do we react today to the warnings we hear that an atomic explosion high in the atmosphere could produce an EMP (an electromagnetic pulse) that could destroy our national electric grid and result in 75% or more of our people dying within a year?  Hmmm!  Interesting!
Next week, this column will argue that an understanding of the past is a more reliable way to seethe future, but now, space limitations dictate getting back to the topic mentioned at the start!
An old acquaintance of years past in town recently, told me he is serious about returning to this area, somewhere near Keuterville, and as an older but mature and maybe handsome gentleman, is looking for a wife to share "stars at night, majestic trees, melodious birds, dropping apples, and air fresher than in most other parts of the world!"  Interested?  Give me a call for details!
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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