Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review!
No. 144 - 1/21/2018
Taking a quick look back at the last two RNR's sends a quick message!  It is time to move on as the stress found there on the "Power of the Individual" can get old in a hurry!  It is a lesson learned by my years of teaching that boredom can set in and be very destructive!
But... another important lesson learned by survivors in the field of education is; repetition is necessary if a topic is learned!  So with this excuse, we will consider one more time, the importance of any individual's effort in the local and world around him or her!
Why" Because as hinted last time, the world we live in today tends to deny the importance of individual effort, or the impact an individual might have on his or her surroundings! One example is the popular socialist  theory that claims that problems in education, in healthcare, in the economy, in the environment, you name it, need solutions that come from the top and are beyond the control of individuals at the local level. So we have Common Core in education, Obama Care in medicine, FED control of the economy, and regulations in farming, logging, cattle raising, child care, business sales, and opinions expressed!
So here are some final reasons submitted suggesting we need to rethink our positions on the need for and the importance of individual effort in every aspect of our lives.
Take sports for example!  In these nearly crazed weekends leading to the Super Bowl, no one can deny that the success of any team relies heavily on each individual effort. Just one slacker or mistake at any position can turn a win into a quick and sorry loss! Success does depend on the effort of each individual!  And the claim is true for every other sport as well!
But is it not true also for a business which survives in a competitive economy? Can it allow employees who slack off, fail to produce or have no good impact on the company?
How efficient is a six-cylinder motor if one of the pistons fails to do its part due to a faulty spark or ignition system."Especially if involved in a competitive situation like a road race? And does this answer not also apply to nations like our own or others around the world? Is it possible to survive if more and more individuals in that country sit back and depend on efforts of the producers? Can a motor continue to function if a second cylinder fails its job?
The examples may seem silly, but careful thought says there is much truth in the analogies! Obviously a motor with half of its cylinders down caused by  mechanical failure, is going to grind to a stop.  And really, is not an economy which expects that half its members do all the producing for a dependent half not in serious danger of collapse?  Does it even matter if the problem is caused by a sudden deadly disease on the one hand, or by unwillingness to work and produce some real effort on the other?  Does it not send a very scary message that up to half of our citizens today are dependent in some way or another on government? Which in turn is dependent on the producers who are really responsible for the goods and services we all need and want?
And what can be said about the hatred some of our citizens today have for the producers at the top whose contributions to our well being puts them in high income brackets?  Is it really wise to criticize them and demand that government tax them ever more and more?
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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