Lewis County Historical Society to meet
Mark your calendars and save the date for the next  meeting of the Lewis County Historical Society which will be Monday, February 19th in Kamiah.  The Kamiah Valley Historical Society will host us at the Kamiah Welcome Center located on  Main Street next to the museum. 
The public is invited to attend the meeting at 1:00 pm with refreshments served prior to afternoon program.  At 2:00 pm. retired Judge John Bradbury a known author of history of our area, will speak on early Headquarters and the logging industry. 
The Lewis County Historical Society is made up of the four historical groups in the county and hosts four meeting each year to enable programs on local history and share what is happening in each of the museums and societies.  All programs are open to the public at no expense but membership in LCHS is $10.00 with dues paying for travel of our speakers.   Contact for further information is available thru members in each society


Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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