Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review!
No. 149 - 2/26/2018
There is no way of getting around it!  The lesson which literally screams from the last three reviews found here is that governments which fall victim to the lure of giving tax money to certain members of the population will eventually find themselves in a serious financial bind!
Bluntly it is said here, that those gifts of government funds, be they given to disadvantaged, the poor, or big banks and businesses in trouble, or even for improving education, or as aidto students in college, or families with medical problems, or the relocation of endangered species like wolves and spotted owls, will always cause the government financial disaster!
The arguments presented by Frederik Bastiat in THE LAW, and Davy Crockett in the article NOT YOUR TO GIVE simply make sense. And the claim of Professor Tyler that ALL DEMOCRACIES WILL GO BANKRUPT in about 200 years because of the demands of citizens wanting to be on the receiving end of government gifts is also a compelling one!
And what about our own country today? Have we not followed the Pied Piper of history by doing the same thing over the years?  Do we not have a huge and growing debt facing us as well as our children because the expenditures of our government are far in excess of income?
Is it not true that inflation is slowly eating away at the value of our dollar, and the income of our people whose wages and income fail to keep up? And is it not true that the wealthy and well-to-do who are heavily invested in our exploding stock market benefit in a big way from the zero or near zero interest rates which have been held down artificially by the FED?  Should it not concern us a bit, that efforts on the part of the FED to increase those interest rates may well bring the entire financial system down?  Debt is everywhere, risky investments, expensive and elaborate homes, unbelievably high-priced vehicles, huge student loans. What about growing credit card debt associated with the need for necessities in some cases, or impulsive buying on the other! Can the owners of these debts stand a substantial increase in interest rates? We might be forced to say that common sense and experience say no!
Really, is it not part of our own human nature? Is it not true that all of us would rather take things offered us for free, rather than insist on paying for them? Who among us insist on helping those who are unfortunate among us rather than calling for some state or federal aid program? Do any of us cringe at receiving more from government benefits given us, than the amount of taxes that we pay? Truthfully, if someone asks me these questions, pleading the fifth will be my response! 
These thoughts have come to mind, as I ponder the significance of the 100th birthday of a new friend I have made this year.  As mentioned in earlier reviews, "Vince" recently celebrated 100years of life on February 12, 2018.  And we helped celebrate this milestone by reprinting a book he had written at 89 years old, entitled WOMEN ARE A BLESSING IN HIS WORLD! In the book one finds a story of a honest and hard working man who sings the praises of women and their roles played in the lives of each of us, and in the families they love. Forced to quit school to help his mother raise a family abandoned by a father who left them stranded, Vince moved on in life very successfully, without a grade school diploma or education of any kind at a higher level.
And the reason for his success?  Vince talks of hard work, total honesty, and reliance on a God above he references often by pointing his hand in an upward direction.   He keys on the word "wisdom" which he claims is the basis for success in life.  The claim is made here, that "wisdom" as defined by Vince or plain old "common sense" would go a long way to solve the problems mentioned above!  Interested in researching further this "wisdom?"  I claim here it would be well worth your time to investigate it!   Call the Chronicle at 208-962-3851 to get his book!
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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