Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review!
No. 160 - 5/13/2018
Movin' on!  Hopefully! Last week we dabbled a bit with the second of the three areas we claimed existed in RNR 157 that could cause disaster for our country, suggesting that each of them might be like a time bomb with a lit fuse burning slowly towards the end! The three areas, economic, political, and moral or cultural.  The economic review simply suggested that our huge and growing national debt, fed by annual budgets that resist anycut backs cannot be continued forever, that roaring inflation on the one hand, or from a collapsed economy and stock market on the other would eventually be the result.
Then we moved on to the political arena last week suggesting that the shootings and the riots and the hatred all around us could well be fueled by enemies who are determined to replace our Christian and Free Enterprise system with a one-world atheistic or socialistic system. One leading to a utopia on earth with equal sharing of everything, and a secular society with an emphasis on a "me too" society where everyone could do their own thing and not be restricted by rules and laws handed down by religion or government.
Even a casual study of Karl Marx and leading communist leaders leads unfailingly to the word CONFLICT as the driving force in history, coupled with the evolutionary dream that all conflict will lead eventually to a new SYNTHESIS, or outcome which contains the better part of two clashing ideas.  Thus the "workers of the world" are expected to rise up and destroy the exploiting capitalist class, eventually replacing the system which allows it with a socialist government which will create economic equality for all, under a "Dictatorship of the Proletariat (working class)" requiring the destruction of the "Bourgeois" (ownership class).
People my age may well remember the 1950's claim by Nikita Kruschev, the communist boss at the time, pounding on his desk at a UN meeting saying "We will bury you" aimed at our USA which he claimed would "fall from within like over ripe fruit from a tree!"  And those who have watched over the decades what has happened to our country find it hard to believe that the communist belief in SOCIALISM as the final step towards Communism has become such a darling in our country today, taught by universities and advocated by ranking politicians like Bernie Sanders.
Time to move on, but ultimately it is absolutely true that: 1)Socialism, a failed system, has never worked and logically can never work, leading always to starvation and rejection of Christianity.  And 2) Our Free Enterprise, Capitalist system, when based on Christian love and concern for neighbor, has been the source of the greatest leap forward in the history of the human race in the economic welfare of its people. The proof is in the results as our
country has risen in a remarkable short time to become the wealthiest, most envied in the world! Case closed, argument won!  Proof is our immigration problem!
Finally, another "short fuse" area is the current moral and cultural climate in our country. The explosion of hatred resulting in mass slayings, the breakup of the family fueled by increasing divorce, biblical condemned gay activity and marriages, shared bathrooms, abortion and raw sex in movies and TV, are just some indicators of a dangerous direction in our moral and cultural climate. The angry rejection of copies of the Ten Commandments,
of the celebration of Christmas, of Easter and other Christian feast days, of history's heroes, of traditional prayer in school also suggests the same dangerous direction! And is it all nota logical result of the  "Do it my way" mentality that seems to be growing in our country?
(Next week: Conclusion and quest for solutions!)
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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