Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Redneck Review!
No. 162 - 5/27/2018
The question that has been posed since beginning these articles four weeks ago... "Is there anything a single individual can do to help ward off the possible disaster that might be brought on by the perilous conditions existing today in our country in economics, politics, and morality?"
It was suggested last week that the effort of a single individual down through history has been able to turn the tide on a situation that was bleak and almost hopeless at the time. George Washington's efforts to hold the rebelling colonies together during the long and terrible winter at Valley Forge could well have been mentioned also.
But the point that needs to be stressed during these times when the "politically correct" position is that the individual is virtually powerless, and that big government and large banks have to be relied on to solve problems which confront us, is that the individual does have an impact on conditions around him or her.
The Washington example above, and the Prairie senior from last week's review, along with the impact Charles Martel had on the victory at Tours, and the heroic stand by Leonidas and his Spartans which delayed and helped defeat the huge Persian army determined to overrun and conquer the Greek city states, all give us a peek at the impact one individual can have on his immediate surroundings and possible even the world as well.
And readers of last week’s column remember that the suggestion was made that at least every individual can pray that the Lord will intervene and help solve any problems!
And there is convincing evidence available today that prayer does work!  Frank Newport, in his book GOD IS ALIVE AND WELL cites several official studies that strongly suggests prayer does produce results. Several such studies claim that critically ill people respond to the prayers said for them in case after case.  And there are dozens of examples that are recorded in history that credit unlikely victories to the power of prayer.
No, it is claimed here, that the big government, socialistic, "One world" mentality that is the rage today in so many places, IS FLAT WRONG!  Each individual, possessed with reason and free will,  does have the power to CHANGE THE WORLD, like an old Benedictine nun used to preach to people in my classes back in the 1950's!
And that suggests that we close this review with the last paragraph found in the retold story of the Prairie senior who turned the tide in the tug of war.  Space prevented it from being added last week, but it is pertinent to add it in closing today!
"Throw a rock into calm water, watch the ripples cross to distant shore.
So our actions set waves in motion...which continue evermore. And when our offspring look back towards us, it is our hope that they will see, That each of us has caused a ripple...with a good impact on history.
Thus when our history is written, it will say we turned the tide, By toil and dedication, by joining hands and working...side by side!"
Let us always remember, the impact we have will linger on forever!  
Jake Wren

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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